Class EventManager


public class EventManager extends Object
Helper class to manage the events that plugins consume and produce. This class keeps track of the last events that went out so that when a plugin is added, it receives those events.
  • Constructor Details

    • EventManager

      public EventManager(PluginTool tool)
      Construct a new EventManager.
      tool - plugin tool associated with this EventManager
  • Method Details

    • addEventListener

      public void addEventListener(Class<? extends PluginEvent> eventClass, PluginEventListener listener)
      Add a plugin event listener that will be notified when an event of the given event class is generated.
      eventClass - class of the event of interest
      listener - listener to notify
    • addAllEventListener

      public void addAllEventListener(PluginEventListener listener)
    • removeAllEventListener

      public void removeAllEventListener(PluginEventListener listener)
    • removeEventListener

      public void removeEventListener(Class<? extends PluginEvent> eventClass, PluginEventListener listener)
      Remove the plugin event listener from the list of listeners notified when an event of the given event class is generated.
      eventClass - class of the event of interest
      listener - listener to remove
    • addToolListener

      public void addToolListener(ToolListener listener)
      Add the given tool listener to be notified notified when tool events are generated
      listener - listener to add
    • removeToolListener

      public void removeToolListener(ToolListener listener)
      Remove the given tool listener from the list of tool listeners
      listener - listener to remove
    • hasToolListeners

      public boolean hasToolListeners()
      Return whether there are any registered tool listeners for the tool associated with class
      true if there are any listeners
    • addEventProducer

      public void addEventProducer(Class<? extends PluginEvent> eventClass)
      Add the class for the PluginEvent that a plugin will produce
      eventClass - class for the PluginEvent
    • removeEventProducer

      public void removeEventProducer(Class<? extends PluginEvent> eventClass)
      Remove the class of a PluginEvent that a plugin produces.
      eventClass - class for the PluginEvent
    • getEventsProduced

      public String[] getEventsProduced()
      Get the names of all events produced by plugins in the tool.
      array of PluginEvent names
    • getEventsConsumed

      public String[] getEventsConsumed()
      Get the names of all events consumed by plugins in the tool.
      array of PluginEvent names
    • fireEvent

      public void fireEvent(PluginEvent event)
      Notify all plugin listeners that are registered to consume the given event. Events are fired in the SwingThread.
      event - event to fire
    • processToolEvent

      public void processToolEvent(PluginEvent event)
      Convert the given tool event to a plugin event; notify the appropriate plugin listeners. This method allows one tool's event manager to send events to another connected tool.
      event - tool event
    • clearLastEvents

      public void clearLastEvents()
      Clear the list of last plugin events fired
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Clear last plugin events fired, current event, listeners, etc.
    • getLastEvents

      public PluginEvent[] getLastEvents()
      Return an array of the last plugin events fired. EventManager maps the event class to the last event fired.
      array of plugin events
    • removeEventListener

      public void removeEventListener(String className)
      Remove the event listener by className; the plugin registered for events, but the construction failed.
      className - class name of the plugin (event listener)