Class OptionsManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
OptionsService, OptionsChangeListener

public class OptionsManager extends Object implements OptionsService, OptionsChangeListener
Created by PluginTool to manage the set of Options for each category.
  • Constructor Details

    • OptionsManager

      public OptionsManager(PluginTool tool)
      tool - associated with this OptionsManager
  • Method Details

    • dispose

      public void dispose()
    • getOptions

      public ToolOptions getOptions(String category)
      Description copied from interface: OptionsService
      Get the options for the given category name. If no options exist with the given name, then a new options object is created.

      Note: the given name should not contains options path separator characters. Any sub-options needed must be retrieved from the ToolOptions object returned from this method.

      Specified by:
      getOptions in interface OptionsService
      category - name of category
      the options for the given category name.
    • registerOptionNameChanged

      public void registerOptionNameChanged(String oldName, String newName)
      Updates saved options from an old name to a new name. NOTE: this must be called before any calls to register or get options.
      oldName - the old name of the options.
      newName - the new name of the options.
    • hasOptions

      public boolean hasOptions(String category)
      Description copied from interface: OptionsService
      Return whether an Options object exists for the given category.
      Specified by:
      hasOptions in interface OptionsService
      category - name of the category
      true if an Options object exists
    • showOptionsDialog

      public void showOptionsDialog(String category, String filterText)
      Description copied from interface: OptionsService
      Shows Options Dialog with the node denoted by "category" being displayed. The value is expected to be the name of a node in the options tree, residing under the root node. You may also provide the name of such a node, followed by the options delimiter, followed by the name of a child node under that node. For example, suppose in the options tree exists a node Root->Foo You may pass the value "Foo" to get that node. Or, suppose in the options tree exists a node Root->Foo->childNode1 In this case, you may pass the value "Foo.childNode1", where the '.' character is the delimiter of the ToolOptions class (this is the value at the time of writing this documentation).

      The filter text parameter is used to set the contents filter text of the options. You may use this parameter to filter the tree; for example, to show only the node in the tree that you want the user to see.

      Specified by:
      showOptionsDialog in interface OptionsService
      category - The category of options to have displayed
      filterText - An optional value used to filter the nodes visible in the options tree. You may pass null or the empty string "" here if you do not desire filtering.
    • getOptions

      public ToolOptions[] getOptions()
      Description copied from interface: OptionsService
      Get the list of options for all categories.
      Specified by:
      getOptions in interface OptionsService
      the list of options for all categories.
    • deregisterOwner

      public void deregisterOwner(Plugin ownerPlugin)
      Deregister the owner from the options; if options are empty, then remove the options from the map.
      ownerPlugin - the owner plugin
    • getConfigState

      public org.jdom.Element getConfigState()
      Write this object out; first remove any unused options so they do not hang around.
      XML element containing the state of all the options
    • removeUnusedOptions

      public void removeUnusedOptions()
    • setConfigState

      public void setConfigState(org.jdom.Element root)
      Restore Options objects using the given XML Element.
      root - element to use to restore the Options objects
    • editOptions

      public void editOptions()
    • validateOptions

      public void validateOptions()
    • optionsChanged

      public void optionsChanged(ToolOptions options, String name, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
      Description copied from interface: OptionsChangeListener
      Notification that an option changed.

      Note: to reject an options change, you can throw a OptionsVetoException.

      Specified by:
      optionsChanged in interface OptionsChangeListener
      options - options object containing the property that changed
      name - name of option that changed
      oldValue - old value of the option
      newValue - new value of the option