Class SSHSignatureCallback

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Callback

public class SSHSignatureCallback extends Object implements Callback, Serializable
SSHSignatureCallback provides a Callback implementation used to perform SSH authentication. This callback is instantiated by the server with a random token which must be signed using the user's SSH private key.

It is the responsibility of the callback handler to invoke the sign method and return this object in response to the callback.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SSHSignatureCallback

      public SSHSignatureCallback(byte[] token, byte[] serverSignature)
      Construct callback with a random token to be signed by the client.
      token - random bytes to be signed
      serverSignature - server signature of token (using server PKI)
  • Method Details

    • getToken

      public byte[] getToken()
      token to be signed using user certificate.
    • getSignature

      public byte[] getSignature()
      signed token bytes set by callback handler.
    • getServerSignature

      public byte[] getServerSignature()
      Get the server signature of token (using server PKI)
      the server's signature of the token bytes.
    • isSigned

      public boolean isSigned()
      true if callback has been signed
    • sign

      public void sign(Object privateKeyParameters) throws IOException
      Sign this challenge with the specified SSH private key.
      privateKeyParameters - SSH private key parameters (RSAKeyParameters or RSAKeyParameters)
      IOException - if signature generation failed