Package ghidra.framework.task

package ghidra.framework.task
  • Class
    Class for tracking scheduled GTasks.
    Interface for tasks to be run by GTaskManager.
    Class for grouping several GTasks that all should be executed before any new group of tasks are executed, regardless of priority.
    Interface used to track the state of a GTaskManager
    A Dummy implementation to that listeners can subclass this and not have to fill in methods they don't need.
    Class for managing a queue of tasks to be executed, one at a time, in priority order.
    Factory class managing a single GTaskManager for an DomainObject.
    Main component for managing and viewing the state of a GTaskManager.
    Implementation of a TaskMontor that can be "attached" to a GProgressBar.
    Class to represent the result state of a GTask, such as whether it was cancelled or an exception happened.