Interface VisualVertex

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractVisualVertex, DockingVisualVertex

public interface VisualVertex extends GVertex
A vertex that contains properties and state related to a user interface.

equals() and hashCode() - The graph API allows for cloning of layouts. For this to correctly copy layout locations, each edge must override equals and hashCode in order to properly find edges across graphs.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    A dispose method that should be called when a vertex is reclaimed, never again to be used in a graph or display
    Get the alpha, which determines how much of the vertex is visible/see through.
    Returns the component of this vertex.
    Returns the emphasis value of this vertex.
    Returns the location of this vertex in the view
    Returns true if this vertex is focused (see setFocused(boolean)
    Returns true if the given component of this vertex is grabbable, which means that mouse drags on that component will move the vertex.
    Returns true if this vertex is being hovered by the mouse
    Returns true if this vertex is selected
    setAlpha(double alpha)
    Set the alpha, which determines how much of the vertex is visible/see through.
    setEmphasis(double emphasisLevel)
    Sets the emphasis value for this vertex.
    setFocused(boolean focused)
    Sets this vertex to be focused.
    setHovered(boolean hovered)
    Sets this vertex to be hovered
    Sets the location of this vertex in the view
    setSelected(boolean selected)
    Sets this vertex selected
  • Method Details

    • getComponent

      JComponent getComponent()
      Returns the component of this vertex. This is used for rendering and interaction with the user.
      the component of this vertex
    • setFocused

      void setFocused(boolean focused)
      Sets this vertex to be focused. This differs from being selected in that multiple vertices in a graph can be selected, but only one can be the focused vertex.
      focused - true to focus; false to be marked as not focused
    • isFocused

      boolean isFocused()
      Returns true if this vertex is focused (see setFocused(boolean)
      true if focused
    • setSelected

      void setSelected(boolean selected)
      Sets this vertex selected
      selected - true to select this vertex; false to de-select this vertex
    • isSelected

      boolean isSelected()
      Returns true if this vertex is selected
      true if this vertex is selected
    • setHovered

      void setHovered(boolean hovered)
      Sets this vertex to be hovered
      hovered - true to be marked as hovered; false to be marked as not hovered
    • isHovered

      boolean isHovered()
      Returns true if this vertex is being hovered by the mouse
      true if this vertex is being hovered by the mouse
    • setLocation

      void setLocation(Point2D p)
      Sets the location of this vertex in the view
      p - the location of this vertex in the view
    • getLocation

      Point2D getLocation()
      Returns the location of this vertex in the view
      the location of this vertex in the view
    • isGrabbable

      boolean isGrabbable(Component c)
      Returns true if the given component of this vertex is grabbable, which means that mouse drags on that component will move the vertex.

      This is used to differentiate components within a vertex that should receive mouse events versus those components that will not be given mouse events.

      c - the component
      true if the component is grabbable
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      A dispose method that should be called when a vertex is reclaimed, never again to be used in a graph or display
    • setEmphasis

      void setEmphasis(double emphasisLevel)
      Sets the emphasis value for this vertex. A value of 0 indicates no emphasis.
      emphasisLevel - the emphasis
    • getEmphasis

      double getEmphasis()
      Returns the emphasis value of this vertex. 0 if not emphasized.
      the emphasis value of this vertex.
    • setAlpha

      void setAlpha(double alpha)
      Set the alpha, which determines how much of the vertex is visible/see through. 0 is completely transparent. This attribute allows transitional for animations.
      alpha - the alpha value
    • getAlpha

      double getAlpha()
      Get the alpha, which determines how much of the vertex is visible/see through. 0 is completely transparent. This attribute allows transitional for animations.
      the alpha value