Class PaintableShape

Direct Known Subclasses:
MouseClickedPaintableShape, MouseDraggedLinePaintableShape, MouseDraggedPaintableShape

public class PaintableShape extends Object
A base class for shapes that can be painted on the graph. See MouseDebugPaintable.
  • Field Details

    • shape

      protected Shape shape
    • color

      protected Color color
    • stroke

      protected Stroke stroke
    • tx

      protected double tx
    • ty

      protected double ty
    • shapeFinished

      protected boolean shapeFinished
  • Constructor Details

    • PaintableShape

      protected PaintableShape(double tx, double ty)
    • PaintableShape

      public PaintableShape(Shape s)
    • PaintableShape

      public PaintableShape(Shape s, Color c)
    • PaintableShape

      public PaintableShape(Shape s, Color c, Stroke stroke)
  • Method Details

    • getTx

      public double getTx()
    • getTy

      public double getTy()
    • getShape

      public Shape getShape()
    • getColor

      public Color getColor()
    • getStroke

      public Stroke getStroke()
    • shapeFinished

      public void shapeFinished()
    • isShapeFinished

      public boolean isShapeFinished()
    • paint

      public void paint(Graphics2D g)