Interface VertexShapeProvider

public interface VertexShapeProvider
An interface that can be implemented to provide vertex shapes to the UI. These are used for rendering and mouse interaction. Typically, these shapes are the same. Clients that wish to allow for complicated shapes can use this interface to control mouse hit detection while providing simpler shape painting.

The only time a client would need this separation of shapes is if they create complex renderings with odd shapes (a shape that is not a rectangle). With such a complex shape, those graph views that paint only shapes, like the satellite viewer, will look peculiar.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the compact shape that the user will see when full, detailed rendering is not being performed for a vertex, such as in the satellite viewer or when fully-zoomed-out
    default Shape
    Returns the full (the actual) shape of a vertex.
  • Method Details

    • getCompactShape

      Shape getCompactShape()
      Returns the compact shape that the user will see when full, detailed rendering is not being performed for a vertex, such as in the satellite viewer or when fully-zoomed-out
      the shape
    • getFullShape

      default Shape getFullShape()
      Returns the full (the actual) shape of a vertex. This can be used to determine if a mouse point intersects a vertex or to get the real bounding-box of a vertex.
      the shape