Interface JitAllocationModel.VarHandler

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
JitAllocationModel.DoubleVarAlloc, JitAllocationModel.FloatVarAlloc, JitAllocationModel.IntVarAlloc, JitAllocationModel.LongVarAlloc, JitAllocationModel.MultiLocalVarHandler, JitAllocationModel.NoHandler
Enclosing class:

public static interface JitAllocationModel.VarHandler
A handler that knows how to load and store variable values onto and from the JVM stack.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    generateDeclCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, org.objectweb.asm.Label start, org.objectweb.asm.Label end, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
    If needed, emit bytecode at the top of the run method.
    generateInitCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor iv)
    Emit bytecode into the class constructor.
    generateLoadCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, JitType type, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
    Emit bytecode to load the varnode's value onto the JVM stack.
    generateStoreCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, JitType type, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
    Emit bytecode to load the varnode's value onto the JVM stack.
    Get the p-code type of the variable this handler handles.
  • Method Details

    • type

      JitType type()
      Get the p-code type of the variable this handler handles.
      the type
    • generateInitCode

      void generateInitCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor iv)
      Emit bytecode into the class constructor.
      gen - the code generator
      iv - the visitor for the class constructor
    • generateDeclCode

      void generateDeclCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, org.objectweb.asm.Label start, org.objectweb.asm.Label end, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
      If needed, emit bytecode at the top of the run method.
      gen - the code generator
      start - a label at the top of the method
      end - a label at the end of the method
      rv - the visitor for the run method
    • generateLoadCode

      void generateLoadCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, JitType type, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
      Emit bytecode to load the varnode's value onto the JVM stack.
      gen - the code generator
      type - the p-code type of the value expected on the JVM stack by the proceeding bytecode
      rv - the visitor for the run method
    • generateStoreCode

      void generateStoreCode(JitCodeGenerator gen, JitType type, org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor rv)
      Emit bytecode to load the varnode's value onto the JVM stack.
      gen - the code generator
      type - the p-code type of the value produced on the JVM stack by the preceding bytecode
      rv - the visitor for the run method