Class JitCompiledPassage.ExitSlot

Enclosing interface:

public static class JitCompiledPassage.ExitSlot extends Object
A cache slot for a chained entry point

One of these is constructed for each target of a direct branch that exits the passage, including those of synthetic exit ops. For each such branch, the JitCodeGenerator emits code to invoke getChained() on the target's exit slot and to return the resulting entry point.

  • Constructor Details

    • ExitSlot

      public ExitSlot(JitPcodeThread thread, long target, RegisterValue ctx)
      Construct an exit slot for the given target and bound thread
      thread - the bound thread for the passage constructing this slot
      target - the offset of the target address
      ctx - the target decode context
  • Method Details

    • getChained

      public JitCompiledPassage.EntryPoint getChained()
      Get the entry point for this target

      This may cause the emulator to translate a new passage.

      the entry point