Class PcodeExecutionException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AccessPcodeExecutionException, ConcretionError, DecodePcodeExecutionException, EmuSystemException, InjectionErrorPcodeExecutionException, InterruptPcodeExecutionException, SuspendedPcodeExecutionException

public class PcodeExecutionException extends RuntimeException
The base exception for all p-code execution errors

Exceptions caught by the executor that are not of this type are typically caught and wrapped, so that the frame can be recovered. The frame is important for diagnosing the error, because it records what the executor was doing. It essentially serves as the "line number" of the p-code program within the greater Java stack. Additionally, if execution of p-code is to resume, the frame must be recovered, and possibly stepped back one.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PcodeExecutionException

      public PcodeExecutionException(String message, PcodeFrame frame, Throwable cause)
      Construct an execution exception

      The frame is often omitted at the throw site. The executor should catch the exception, fill in the frame, and re-throw it.

      message - the message
      frame - if known, the frame at the time of the exception
      cause - the exception that caused this one
    • PcodeExecutionException

      public PcodeExecutionException(String message, PcodeFrame frame)
    • PcodeExecutionException

      public PcodeExecutionException(String message, Throwable cause)
    • PcodeExecutionException

      public PcodeExecutionException(String message)
  • Method Details

    • getFrame

      public PcodeFrame getFrame()
      Get the frame at the time of the exception

      Note that the frame counter is advanced before execution of the p-code op. Thus, the counter often points to the op following the one which caused the exception. For a frame to be present and meaningful, the executor must intervene between the throw and the catch. In other words, if you're invoking the executor, you should always expect to see a frame. If you are implementing, e.g., a userop, then it is possible to catch an exception without frame information populated. You might instead retrieve the frame from the executor, if you have a handle to it.

      the frame, possibly null