Class BinaryOpBehavior

Direct Known Subclasses:
OpBehaviorBoolAnd, OpBehaviorBoolOr, OpBehaviorBoolXor, OpBehaviorEqual, OpBehaviorFloatAdd, OpBehaviorFloatDiv, OpBehaviorFloatEqual, OpBehaviorFloatLess, OpBehaviorFloatLessEqual, OpBehaviorFloatMult, OpBehaviorFloatNotEqual, OpBehaviorFloatSub, OpBehaviorIntAdd, OpBehaviorIntAnd, OpBehaviorIntCarry, OpBehaviorIntDiv, OpBehaviorIntLeft, OpBehaviorIntLess, OpBehaviorIntLessEqual, OpBehaviorIntMult, OpBehaviorIntOr, OpBehaviorIntRem, OpBehaviorIntRight, OpBehaviorIntSborrow, OpBehaviorIntScarry, OpBehaviorIntSdiv, OpBehaviorIntSless, OpBehaviorIntSlessEqual, OpBehaviorIntSrem, OpBehaviorIntSright, OpBehaviorIntSub, OpBehaviorIntXor, OpBehaviorNotEqual, OpBehaviorPiece, OpBehaviorSubpiece

public abstract class BinaryOpBehavior extends OpBehavior
  • Method Details

    • evaluateBinary

      public abstract long evaluateBinary(int sizeout, int sizein, long unsignedIn1, long unsignedIn2)
      Evaluate the binary (2 input args) operation using long data
      sizeout - intended output size (bytes)
      sizein - in1 size (bytes)
      unsignedIn1 - unsigned input 1
      unsignedIn2 - unsigned input 2
      operation result. NOTE: if the operation overflows bits may be set beyond the specified sizeout. Even though results should be treated as unsigned it may be returned as a signed long value. It is expected that the returned result always be properly truncated by the caller since the evaluation may not - this is done to conserve emulation cycles.
      See Also:
    • evaluateBinary

      public abstract BigInteger evaluateBinary(int sizeout, int sizein, BigInteger unsignedIn1, BigInteger unsignedIn2)
      Evaluate the binary (2 input args) operation using BigInteger data
      sizeout - intended output size (bytes)
      sizein - in1 size (bytes)
      unsignedIn1 - unsigned input 1
      unsignedIn2 - unsigned input 2
      operation result. NOTE: if the operation overflows bits may be set beyond the specified sizeout. Even though results should be treated as unsigned it may be returned as a signed value. It is expected that the returned result always be properly truncated by the caller since the evaluation may not - this is done to conserve emulation cycles.
      See Also: