Class AddToProgramDialog

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionContextProvider, StatusListener, TaskListener

public class AddToProgramDialog extends ImporterDialog
The AddToProgramDialog is essentially the same as the ImporterDialog with a few exceptions. One difference is that the language and destination folder/name are not enabled and are initialized to the existing program to which the imported data will be added. Also, the Ok callback is overridden to add the data to the current program instead of creating a new program.
  • Constructor Details

    • AddToProgramDialog

      protected AddToProgramDialog(PluginTool tool, FSRL fsrl, LoaderMap loaderMap, ByteProvider byteProvider, Program addToProgram)
      Construct a new AddToProgramDialog.
      tool - the tool containing the currently open program.
      fsrl - the FileSystemURL for where the imported data can be read.
      loaderMap - the loaders and their corresponding load specifications
      byteProvider - the ByteProvider from which the bytes from the source can be read. The dialog takes ownership of the ByteProvider and it will be closed when the dialog is closed
      addToProgram - the program to which the newly imported data will be added
  • Method Details