Class GFileSystemExtractAllTask

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GFileSystemExtractAllTask extends AbstractFileExtractorTask
Task that recursively extracts all files from a GFileSystem directory and writes them to a local filesystem.
  • Constructor Details

    • GFileSystemExtractAllTask

      public GFileSystemExtractAllTask(FSRL srcFSRL, File outputDirectory, Component parentComponent)
  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run(TaskMonitor monitor)
      Description copied from class: Task
      This is the method that will be called to do the work

      Note: The run(TaskMonitor) method should not make any calls directly on Swing components, as these calls are not thread safe. Place Swing calls in a Runnable, then call Swing.runLater(Runnable) or Swing.runNow(Runnable)to schedule the Runnable inside of the AWT Event Thread.

      Specified by:
      run in class Task
      monitor - The TaskMonitor that will monitor the executing Task
    • handleUnexpectedException

      protected boolean handleUnexpectedException(GFile file, Exception e)
      Description copied from class: AbstractFileExtractorTask
      Allows custom handling of exceptions that occur during file extraction.

      Return true if the exception should be ignored by the file extraction process, otherwise return false if it should be propagated up the call stack.

      handleUnexpectedException in class AbstractFileExtractorTask
      file - file that was being extracted when the exception happened
      e - the exception
      true if the exception should be suppressed, false if the exception should be thrown