Class ImportBatchTask

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ImportBatchTask extends Task
Performs a batch import using the data provided in the BatchInfo object which specifies what files and the import language that should be used.

If there are just a few files to import, they will be opened using the ProgramManager, otherwise the programManager parameter will be unused.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ImportBatchTask

      public ImportBatchTask(BatchInfo batchInfo, DomainFolder destFolder, ProgramManager programManager, boolean stripLeading, boolean stripAllContainerPath)
      Start a Batch Import session with an already populated BatchInfo instance.

      batchInfo - BatchInfo state object
      destFolder - DomainFolder where to place imported files
      programManager - ProgramManager to use when opening newly imported files, null ok
      stripLeading - boolean true if each import source's leading path should be omitted when creating the destination project folder path.
      stripAllContainerPath - boolean true if each imported file's parent container source path should be completely omitted when creating the destination project folder path. (the imported file's path within its container is still used)
  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run(TaskMonitor monitor)
      Description copied from class: Task
      This is the method that will be called to do the work

      Note: The run(TaskMonitor) method should not make any calls directly on Swing components, as these calls are not thread safe. Place Swing calls in a Runnable, then call Swing.runLater(Runnable) or Swing.runNow(Runnable)to schedule the Runnable inside of the AWT Event Thread.

      Specified by:
      run in class Task
      monitor - The TaskMonitor that will monitor the executing Task