Interface CodeBlockReference

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CodeBlockReference
A CodeBlockReference represents the flow from one CodeBlock to another. Flow consists of:
  • The source and destination CodeBlocks
  • The Type of flow (JMP, CALL, Fallthrough, etc...
  • The referent - the instruction's address in the source block that causes the flow
  • The reference - the address in the destination block that is flowed to.
  • Method Details

    • getSourceAddress

      Address getSourceAddress()
      Returns the Source Block address. The source address should only occur in one block.
      the Source Block address
    • getDestinationAddress

      Address getDestinationAddress()
      Returns the Destination Block address. The destination address should only occur in one block.
      the Destination Block address
    • getFlowType

      FlowType getFlowType()
      Returns the type of flow from the Source to the Destination CodeBlock.
      the type of flow
    • getReference

      Address getReference()
      Returns the address in the Destination block that is referenced by the Source block.
      the address in the Destination block that is referenced by the Source block
    • getReferent

      Address getReferent()
      Returns the address of the instruction in the Source Block that refers to the Destination block.
      the address of the instruction in the Source Block that refers to the Destination block
    • getDestinationBlock

      CodeBlock getDestinationBlock()
      Returns the Destination CodeBlock.
      the Destination CodeBlock
    • getSourceBlock

      CodeBlock getSourceBlock()
      Returns the Source CodeBlock.
      the Source CodeBlock