Class Block


public class Block extends Object
This class holds basic-block information for matching algorithms. It is used as a node to traverse the control-flow graph. It serves as a container for hashing information associated with Instructions in the block. It holds disambiguating hashes (calculated primarily from basic-block parent/child relationships) to help separate identical or near identical sequences of Instructions within one function.
  • Field Details

    • isMatched

      protected boolean isMatched
    • isVisited

      protected boolean isVisited
    • origBlock

      protected CodeBlock origBlock
    • instList

      protected InstructHash[] instList
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • clearSort

      protected void clearSort()
      Clear out structures associated with main sort
    • setMatched

      protected void setMatched(int index)
      Set up block match deconfliction value matchHash. This is fed into the n-gram hashes for Instructions contained by this block to uniquely associate the n-grams with this block (and the matching block on the other side)
      index - is the 1-up index used to uniquely label this block
    • getMatchHash

      public int getMatchHash()
      the main deconfliction hash feed
    • allUnknown

      protected boolean allUnknown(int startindex, int length)
      If the indicated n-gram, within this block, consists of unmatched instructions
      startindex - is the index of the first Instruction in the n-gram
      length - is the number of instructions in the n-gram
      true if all Instructions in the n-gram are not matched, false otherwise.
    • hashGram

      public int hashGram(int gramSize, InstructHash instHash, HashCalculator hashCalc) throws MemoryAccessException
      Calculate an n-gram hash, given a particular hash function
      gramSize - is the size of the n-gram
      instHash - is the first Instruction in the n-gram
      hashCalc - is the hash function
      the final 32-bit hash
    • calcHashes

      protected void calcHashes(int minLength, int maxLength, boolean wholeBlock, boolean matchOnly, HashCalculator hashCalc) throws MemoryAccessException
      Calculate n-gram hashes used for matching (for Instructions in this basic-block). The exact hashes generated can be changed to get different looks at the data over multiple matching passes.
      minLength - is the minimum length of an n-gram to calculate
      maxLength - is the maximum length of an n-gram
      wholeBlock - , true indicates a hash of the whole block should be calculated even if its size is below minLength
      matchOnly - , true indicates hashes should only be calculated for previously matched, or small, blocks
      hashCalc - is the hash function for this matching pass