Class BitFieldPackingImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BitFieldPackingImpl extends Object implements BitFieldPacking
  • Field Details


      public static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_MS_CONVENTION
      See Also:

      public static final boolean DEFAULT_TYPE_ALIGNMENT_ENABLED
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_ZERO_LENGTH_BOUNDARY
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BitFieldPackingImpl

      public BitFieldPackingImpl()
  • Method Details

    • useMSConvention

      public boolean useMSConvention()
      Description copied from interface: BitFieldPacking
      Control if the alignment and packing of bit-fields follows MSVC conventions. When this is enabled it takes precedence over all other bitfield packing controls.
      Specified by:
      useMSConvention in interface BitFieldPacking
      true if MSVC packing conventions are used, else false (e.g., GNU conventions apply).
    • isTypeAlignmentEnabled

      public boolean isTypeAlignmentEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: BitFieldPacking
      Control whether the alignment of bit-field types is respected when laying out structures. Corresponds to PCC_BITFIELD_TYPE_MATTERS in GCC.
      Specified by:
      isTypeAlignmentEnabled in interface BitFieldPacking
      true when the alignment of the bit-field type should be used to impact the alignment of the containing structure, and ensure that individual bit-fields will not straddle an alignment boundary.
    • getZeroLengthBoundary

      public int getZeroLengthBoundary()
      Description copied from interface: BitFieldPacking
      A non-zero value indicates the fixed alignment size for bit-fields which follow a zero-length bitfield if greater than a bitfields base type normal alignment. Corresponds to EMPTY_FIELD_BOUNDARY in GCC. This value is only used when BitFieldPacking.isTypeAlignmentEnabled() returns false.
      Specified by:
      getZeroLengthBoundary in interface BitFieldPacking
      fixed alignment size as number of bytes for a bit-field which follows a zero-length bit-field
    • setUseMSConvention

      public void setUseMSConvention(boolean useMSConvention)
      Control if the alignment and packing of bit-fields follows MSVC conventions. When this is enabled it takes precedence over all other bitfield packing controls.
      useMSConvention - true if MSVC packing conventions are used, else false (e.g., GNU conventions apply).
    • setTypeAlignmentEnabled

      public void setTypeAlignmentEnabled(boolean typeAlignmentEnabled)
      Control whether the alignment of bit-field types is respected when laying out structures. Corresponds to PCC_BITFIELD_TYPE_MATTERS in gcc.
      typeAlignmentEnabled - true if the alignment of the bit-field type should be used to impact the alignment of the containing structure, and ensure that individual bit-fields will not straddle an alignment boundary.
    • setZeroLengthBoundary

      public void setZeroLengthBoundary(int zeroLengthBoundary)
      Indicate a fixed alignment size in bytes which should be used for zero-length bit-fields.
      zeroLengthBoundary - fixed alignment size as number of bytes for a bit-field which follows a zero-length bit-field. A value of 0 causes zero-length type size to be used.
    • encode

      public void encode(Encoder encoder) throws IOException
      Output the details of this bitfield packing to a encoded document formatter.
      encoder - the output document encoder.
      IOException - if an IO error occurs while encoding/writing output
    • restoreXml

      protected void restoreXml(XmlPullParser parser)
      Restore settings from a \ tag in an XML stream. The XML is designed to override existing settings from the default constructor
      parser - is the XML stream
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object