Interface LanguageDescription

All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicLanguageDescription, SleighLanguageDescription

public interface LanguageDescription
  • Method Details

    • getLanguageID

      LanguageID getLanguageID()
    • getProcessor

      Processor getProcessor()
    • getEndian

      Endian getEndian()
    • getInstructionEndian

      Endian getInstructionEndian()
    • getSize

      int getSize()
    • getVariant

      String getVariant()
    • getVersion

      int getVersion()
    • getMinorVersion

      int getMinorVersion()
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
    • isDeprecated

      boolean isDeprecated()
    • getCompatibleCompilerSpecDescriptions

      Collection<CompilerSpecDescription> getCompatibleCompilerSpecDescriptions()
    • getCompilerSpecDescriptionByID

      CompilerSpecDescription getCompilerSpecDescriptionByID(CompilerSpecID compilerSpecID) throws CompilerSpecNotFoundException
    • getExternalNames

      List<String> getExternalNames(String externalTool)
      Returns external names for this language associated with other tools. For example, x86 languages are usually referred to as "metapc" by IDA-PRO. So, getExternalNames("IDA-PRO") will return "metapc" for most x86 languages.
      externalTool - external tool for looking up external tool names
      external names for this language associated with tool 'key' -- null if there are no results