Interface ParallelInstructionLanguageHelper

public interface ParallelInstructionLanguageHelper
ParallelInstructionLanguageHelper provides the ability via a language specified property to identify certain parallel instruction attributes. Implementations must define a public default constructor.

The following assumptions exist for parallel packets/groups of instructions:

  • All instructions in a packet/group which are not the last instruction in the packet/group must have a fall-through.
  • Method Details

    • getMnemonicPrefix

      String getMnemonicPrefix(Instruction instr)
      Return the mnemonic prefix (i.e., || ) for the specified instriction.
      instr -
      mnemonic prefix or null if not applicable
    • isParallelInstruction

      boolean isParallelInstruction(Instruction instruction)
      Determine if the specified instruction is executed in parallel with the instruction preceding it.
      instruction -
      true if parallel else false
    • isEndOfParallelInstructionGroup

      boolean isEndOfParallelInstructionGroup(Instruction instruction)
      Determine if the specified instruction is the last instruction in a parallel instruction group. The group is defined as a sequential set of instructions which are executed in parallel. It is assumed that all terminal flows will only be present in the semantics of the last instruction in a parallel group.

      This method is primarily intended to assist disassembly to keep parallel instruction packets/groups intact within a single InstructionBlock to facilitate the pcode crossbuild directive. Such cases are expected to defer all flows to the last instruction in the packet and flows should never have a destination in the middle of a packet/group. If pcode crossbuild's are never utilized this method may always return false.

      instruction -
      true if instruction is last in a parallel group or if no other instruction is executed in parallel with the specified instruction.