Interface ProcessorContextView

All Known Subinterfaces:
DisassemblerContext, DisassemblerContextAdapter, Instruction, ProcessorContext
All Known Implementing Classes:
AssemblyDefaultContext, DisassemblerContextImpl, EmulateDisassemblerContext, InstructionDB, InstructionStub, JitPassage.DecodeErrorInstruction, ProcessorContextImpl, ProgramProcessorContext, PseudoDisassemblerContext, PseudoInstruction, ReadOnlyProcessorContext, ReDisassembler.ReDisassemblerContext, VarnodeContext

public interface ProcessorContextView
Defines the interface for an object containing the state of all processor registers relative to a specific address.
  • Method Details

    • getBaseContextRegister

      Register getBaseContextRegister()
      the base processor context register or null if one has not been defined
    • getRegisters

      List<Register> getRegisters()
      Returns all the Registers for the processor as an unmodifiable list
      all the Registers for the processor
    • getRegister

      Register getRegister(String name)
      Get a Register given the name of a register
      name - the name of the register.
      The register with the given name.
    • getValue

      BigInteger getValue(Register register, boolean signed)
      Get the contents of a processor register as a BigInteger object
      register - register to get the value for
      a BigInteger object containing the value of the register if a value exists, otherwise null.
    • getRegisterValue

      RegisterValue getRegisterValue(Register register)
      Get the RegisterValue for the given register.
      register - register to get the value for
      RegisterValue object containing the value of the register if a value exists, otherwise null.
    • hasValue

      boolean hasValue(Register register)
      Returns true if a value is defined for the given register.
      register - the register to check for a value.
      true if the given register has a value.
    • dumpContextValue

      static String dumpContextValue(RegisterValue value, String indent)
    • dumpContextValue

      static void dumpContextValue(RegisterValue value, String indent, StringBuilder buf)