Class PrototypePieces


public class PrototypePieces extends Object
Raw components of a function prototype (obtained from parsing source code)
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PrototypePieces

      public PrototypePieces(PrototypeModel model, DataType[] oldList, DataType injectedThis)
      Populate pieces from old-style array of DataTypes
      model - is the prototype model
      oldList - is the list of output and input data-types
      injectedThis - if non-null is the data-type of the this pointer to be injected
    • PrototypePieces

      public PrototypePieces(PrototypeModel model, DataType outType)
      Create prototype with output data-type and empty/unspecified input data-types
      model - is the prototype model
      outType - is the output data-type