Class CodeUnitFormatOptions

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class CodeUnitFormatOptions extends Object
  • Field Details

    • showBlockName

      protected volatile CodeUnitFormatOptions.ShowBlockName showBlockName
    • showNamespace

      protected volatile CodeUnitFormatOptions.ShowNamespace showNamespace
    • localPrefixOverride

      protected volatile String localPrefixOverride
    • showLibraryInNamespace

      protected volatile boolean showLibraryInNamespace
    • doRegVariableMarkup

      protected volatile boolean doRegVariableMarkup
    • doStackVariableMarkup

      protected volatile boolean doStackVariableMarkup
    • includeInferredVariableMarkup

      protected volatile boolean includeInferredVariableMarkup
    • alwaysShowPrimaryReference

      protected volatile boolean alwaysShowPrimaryReference
    • followReferencedPointers

      protected volatile boolean followReferencedPointers
    • includeScalarReferenceAdjustment

      protected volatile boolean includeScalarReferenceAdjustment
    • showDataMutability

      protected volatile boolean showDataMutability
    • showOffcutInfo

      protected volatile boolean showOffcutInfo
    • displayOptions

      protected DataTypeDisplayOptions displayOptions
    • templateSimplifier

      protected TemplateSimplifier templateSimplifier
  • Constructor Details

    • CodeUnitFormatOptions

      public CodeUnitFormatOptions()
    • CodeUnitFormatOptions

      public CodeUnitFormatOptions(CodeUnitFormatOptions.ShowBlockName showBlockName, CodeUnitFormatOptions.ShowNamespace showNamespace)
      Format options constructor using primarily default format options.
      showBlockName - controls display of block name in address representations.
      showNamespace - controls display of namespace path with label references.
    • CodeUnitFormatOptions

      public CodeUnitFormatOptions(CodeUnitFormatOptions.ShowBlockName showBlockName, CodeUnitFormatOptions.ShowNamespace showNamespace, String localPrefixOverride, boolean doRegVariableMarkup, boolean doStackVariableMarkup, boolean includeInferredVariableMarkup, boolean alwaysShowPrimaryReference, boolean includeScalarReferenceAdjustment, boolean showLibraryInNamespace, boolean followReferencedPointers, TemplateSimplifier templateSimplifier)
      Format options constructor. Extended reference mark-up is enabled.
      showBlockName - controls display of block name in address representations.
      showNamespace - controls display of namespace path with label references.
      localPrefixOverride - optional override for local name-space when showNamespace is ShowNamespace.LOCAL or ShowNamespace.ALWAYS. Specifying a null value will cause the actual name-space to be used.
      doRegVariableMarkup - perform register variable/reference mark-up if true
      doStackVariableMarkup - perform stack variable/reference mark-up if true
      includeInferredVariableMarkup - if true and doRegVariableMarkup is also true, an attempt will be made to mark-up inferred register variable usage.
      alwaysShowPrimaryReference - if true forces the primary reference to be rendered with the operand using the => separator if necessary
      includeScalarReferenceAdjustment - if true scalar adjustment of certain reference offsets will be included to maintain replaced scalar value
      showLibraryInNamespace - if true any referenced external symbols will include library name
      followReferencedPointers - if true referenced pointers (read or indirect) will follow the pointer and display the indirect symbol with -> instead of pointer label.
  • Method Details