Interface DataTypeArchive

All Superinterfaces:
DataTypeManagerDomainObject, DataTypeManagerOwner, DomainObject
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DataTypeArchive extends DataTypeManagerDomainObject
This interface represents the main entry point into an object which stores all information relating to a single data type archive.
  • Field Details


      static final String DATA_TYPE_ARCHIVE_INFO
      Name of data type archive information property list
      See Also:

      static final String DATA_TYPE_ARCHIVE_SETTINGS
      Name of data type archive settings property list
      See Also:

      static final String DATE_CREATED
      Name of date created property
      See Also:

      static final String CREATED_WITH_GHIDRA_VERSION
      Name of ghidra version property
      See Also:
    • JANUARY_1_1970

      static final Date JANUARY_1_1970
      A date from January 1, 1970
  • Method Details

    • hasExclusiveAccess

      boolean hasExclusiveAccess()
      Determine if this archive has exclusive-write access which may be neccessary for some operations.
      Specified by:
      hasExclusiveAccess in interface DomainObject
      true if archive has exclusive-write access
    • getDefaultPointerSize

      int getDefaultPointerSize()
      Gets the default pointer size as it may be stored within the data type archive.
      default pointer size.
    • getCreationDate

      Date getCreationDate()
      Returns the creation date of this data type archive. existed, then Jan 1, 1970 is returned.
      the creation date of this data type archive
    • getChanges

      Get the data type archive changes since the last save as a set of addresses.
      set of changed addresses within program.
    • invalidate

      void invalidate()
      Invalidates any caching in a data type archive. NOTE: Over-using this method can adversely affect system performance.
    • updateID

      void updateID()