Class ReturnParameterImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Parameter, Variable, Comparable<Variable>

public class ReturnParameterImpl extends ParameterImpl
ReturnParameterImpl represent the function return value. This is special type of parameter whose ordinal is -1 and allows for the use of the 'void' datatype.
  • Constructor Details

    • ReturnParameterImpl

      public ReturnParameterImpl(Parameter param, Program program) throws InvalidInputException
      Construct a return parameter from another.
      param - parameter to be copied
      program - target program
      InvalidInputException - if dataType restrictions are violated
    • ReturnParameterImpl

      public ReturnParameterImpl(DataType dataType, Program program) throws InvalidInputException
      Construct a return parameter which has no specific storage specified.
      dataType - a fixed-length datatype. (NOTE: Should be cloned to program datatype manager prior to determining storage elements since their length may change)
      program - target program
      InvalidInputException - if dataType restrictions are violated
    • ReturnParameterImpl

      public ReturnParameterImpl(DataType dataType, int stackOffset, Program program) throws InvalidInputException
      Construct a return parameter at the specified stack offset.
      dataType - a fixed-length datatype. (NOTE: Should be cloned to program datatype manager prior to determining storage elements since their length may change)
      stackOffset - stack offset
      program - target program
      InvalidInputException - if dataType restrictions are violated, an invalid storage address is specified, or unable to resolve storage element for specified datatype
    • ReturnParameterImpl

      public ReturnParameterImpl(DataType dataType, Register register, Program program) throws InvalidInputException
      Construct a return parameter using the specified register.
      dataType - a fixed-length datatype. (NOTE: Should be cloned to program datatype manager prior to determining storage elements since their length may change)
      register - storage register
      program - target program
      InvalidInputException - if dataType restrictions are violated, an invalid storage address is specified, or unable to resolve storage element for specified datatype
    • ReturnParameterImpl

      public ReturnParameterImpl(DataType dataType, Address storageAddr, Program program) throws InvalidInputException
      Construct a return parameter with a single varnode at the specified address.
      dataType - a fixed-length datatype. (NOTE: Should be cloned to program datatype manager prior to determining storage elements since their length may change)
      storageAddr - storage address or null if no storage has been identified
      program - target program
      InvalidInputException - if dataType restrictions are violated, an invalid storage address is specified, or unable to resolve storage element for specified datatype
    • ReturnParameterImpl

      public ReturnParameterImpl(DataType dataType, VariableStorage storage, Program program) throws InvalidInputException
      Construct a return parameter with one or more associated storage elements. Storage elements may get slightly modified to adjust for the resolved datatype size.
      dataType - a fixed-length datatype. (NOTE: Should be cloned to program datatype manager prior to determining storage elements since their length may change)
      storage - variable storage or null for unassigned storage
      program - target program
      InvalidInputException - if dataType restrictions are violated, an invalid storage element is specified, or error while resolving storage element for specified datatype
    • ReturnParameterImpl

      public ReturnParameterImpl(DataType dataType, VariableStorage storage, boolean force, Program program) throws InvalidInputException
      Construct a return parameter with one or more associated storage elements. Storage elements may get slightly modified to adjust for the resolved datatype size.
      dataType - a fixed-length datatype. (NOTE: Should be cloned to program datatype manager prior to determining storage elements since their length may change)
      storage - variable storage or null for unassigned storage
      force - if true storage will be forced even if incorrect size
      program - target program
      InvalidInputException - if dataType restrictions are violated, an invalid storage element is specified, or error while resolving storage element for specified datatype
  • Method Details

    • isVoidAllowed

      protected boolean isVoidAllowed()
      true if a zero-sized void type is permitted
    • isValid

      public final boolean isValid()
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Verify that the variable is valid (i.e., storage is valid and size matches variable data type size)
      Specified by:
      isValid in interface Variable
      true if variable is valid
    • getComment

      public final String getComment()
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Get the Comment for this variable
      Specified by:
      getComment in interface Variable
      the comment
    • setDataType

      public void setDataType(DataType type, VariableStorage storage, boolean force, SourceType source) throws InvalidInputException
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Set the Data Type of this variable and the associated storage whose size matches the data type length.

      NOTE: The storage and source are ignored if the function does not have custom storage enabled.

      Specified by:
      setDataType in interface Variable
      type - the data type
      storage - properly sized storage for the new data type
      force - overwrite conflicting variables
      source - variable storage source (used only for function parameters and return)
      InvalidInputException - if data type is not a fixed length or violates storage constraints.
      VariableSizeException - if force is false and data type size causes a conflict with other variables
    • setDataType

      public final void setDataType(DataType type, boolean align, boolean force, SourceType source) throws InvalidInputException
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Set the Data Type of this variable. The given dataType must have a fixed length.
      Specified by:
      setDataType in interface Variable
      type - the data type
      align - maintain proper stack alignment/justification if supported by implementation. If false and this is a stack variable, the current stack address/offset will not change. If true, the affect is implementation dependent since alignment can not be performed without access to a compiler specification.
      force - overwrite conflicting variables
      source - signature source
      InvalidInputException - if data type is not a fixed length or violates storage constraints.
      VariableSizeException - if force is false and data type size causes a conflict with other variables
    • setDataType

      public void setDataType(DataType type, SourceType source) throws InvalidInputException
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Set the Data Type of this variable using the default alignment behavior (implementation specific). The given dataType must have a fixed length. If contained within a stack-frame, data-type size will be constrained by existing variables (e.g., equivalent to force=false) Note: stack offset will be maintained for stack variables.
      Specified by:
      setDataType in interface Variable
      type - the data type
      source - signature source
      InvalidInputException - if data type is not a fixed length or violates storage constraints.
      VariableSizeException - if data type size causes a conflict with other variables
      See Also:
    • getFunction

      public Function getFunction()
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Returns the function that contains this Variable. May be null if the variable is not in a function.
      Specified by:
      getFunction in interface Variable
      containing function or null
    • getProgram

      public final Program getProgram()
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Returns the program that contains this variable or is the intended target
      Specified by:
      getProgram in interface Variable
      the program.
    • getLength

      public final int getLength()
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Get the length of this variable
      Specified by:
      getLength in interface Variable
      the length of the variable
    • getName

      public final String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Get the Name of this variable or null if not assigned or not-applicable
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Variable
      the name of the variable
    • getSource

      public final SourceType getSource()
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Get the source of this variable
      Specified by:
      getSource in interface Variable
      the source of this variable
    • getSymbol

      public final Symbol getSymbol()
      Specified by:
      getSymbol in interface Variable
      the symbol associated with this variable or null if no symbol associated. Certain dynamic variables such as auto-parameters do not have a symbol and will return null.
    • setComment

      public void setComment(String comment)
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Set the comment for this variable
      Specified by:
      setComment in interface Variable
      comment - the comment
    • setName

      public void setName(String name, SourceType source) throws InvalidInputException
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Set the name of this variable.
      Specified by:
      setName in interface Variable
      name - the name
      source - the source of this variable name
      InvalidInputException - if name contains blank characters, is zero length, or is null
    • hasAssignedStorage

      public final boolean hasAssignedStorage()
      Specified by:
      hasAssignedStorage in interface Variable
      true if this variable has been assigned storage. This is equivalent to Variable.getVariableStorage() != null
    • getVariableStorage

      public final VariableStorage getVariableStorage()
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Get the variable storage associated with this variable.
      Specified by:
      getVariableStorage in interface Variable
      the variable storage for this variable
    • getFirstStorageVarnode

      public final Varnode getFirstStorageVarnode()
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Get the first storage varnode for this variable
      Specified by:
      getFirstStorageVarnode in interface Variable
      the first storage varnode associated with this variable
      See Also:
    • getLastStorageVarnode

      public final Varnode getLastStorageVarnode()
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Get the last storage varnode for this variable
      Specified by:
      getLastStorageVarnode in interface Variable
      the last storage varnode associated with this variable
      See Also:
    • isStackVariable

      public final boolean isStackVariable()
      Specified by:
      isStackVariable in interface Variable
      true if this is a simple variable consisting of a single stack varnode which will be returned by either the Variable.getFirstStorageVarnode() or Variable.getLastStorageVarnode() methods. The stack offset can be obtained using:
    • hasStackStorage

      public final boolean hasStackStorage()
      Specified by:
      hasStackStorage in interface Variable
      true if this variable uses simple or compound storage which contains a stack element. If true, the last storage varnode will always be the stack element.
      See Also:
    • isRegisterVariable

      public final boolean isRegisterVariable()
      Specified by:
      isRegisterVariable in interface Variable
      true if this is a simple variable consisting of a single register varnode which will be returned by either the Variable.getFirstStorageVarnode() or Variable.getLastStorageVarnode() methods. The register can be obtained using the Variable.getRegister() method.
    • getRegister

      public final Register getRegister()
      Specified by:
      getRegister in interface Variable
      first storage register associated with this variable, else null is returned. A variable with compound storage may have more than one register or other storage in addition to the register returned by this method.
      See Also:
    • getRegisters

      public final List<Register> getRegisters()
      Specified by:
      getRegisters in interface Variable
      all storage register(s) associated with this variable, else null is returned if no registers are used. A variable with compound storage may have more than one register or other storage in addition to the register(s) returned by this method.
      See Also:
    • getMinAddress

      public final Address getMinAddress()
      Specified by:
      getMinAddress in interface Variable
      the minimum address corresponding to the first varnode of this storage or null if this is a special empty storage: VariableStorage.BAD_STORAGE, VariableStorage.UNASSIGNED_STORAGE, VariableStorage.VOID_STORAGE
    • getStackOffset

      public final int getStackOffset()
      Specified by:
      getStackOffset in interface Variable
      the stack offset associated with simple stack variable (i.e., Variable.isStackVariable() returns true).
    • isMemoryVariable

      public final boolean isMemoryVariable()
      Specified by:
      isMemoryVariable in interface Variable
      true if this is a simple variable consisting of a single storage memory element which will be returned by either the Variable.getFirstStorageVarnode() or Variable.getVariableStorage() methods.
    • isUniqueVariable

      public final boolean isUniqueVariable()
      Specified by:
      isUniqueVariable in interface Variable
      true if this is a simple variable consisting of a single storage unique/hash element which will be returned by either the Variable.getFirstStorageVarnode() or Variable.getVariableStorage() methods. The unique hash can be obtained from the storage address offset corresponding to the single storage element.
    • isCompoundVariable

      public final boolean isCompoundVariable()
      Specified by:
      isCompoundVariable in interface Variable
      true if this variable uses compound storage consisting of two or more storage elements which will be returned by the Variable.getVariableStorage() method. Compound variables will always use a register(s) optionally followed by other storage (i.e., stack).
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • equals

      public final boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • compareTo

      public final int compareTo(Variable otherVar)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<Variable>
    • isEquivalent

      public final boolean isEquivalent(Variable otherVar)
      Description copied from interface: Variable
      Determine is another variable is equivalent to this variable.
      Specified by:
      isEquivalent in interface Variable
      otherVar - other variable
      true if the specified variable is equivalent to this variable