Class VariableOffset


public class VariableOffset extends Object
VariableOffset can be used as an operand or sub-operand representation object. The toString() method should be used to obtain the displayable representation string. This object is intended to correspond to a explicit or implicit register/stack variable reference. If an offset other than 0 is specified, the original Scalar should be specified.
  • Constructor Details

    • VariableOffset

      public VariableOffset(Variable variable, long offset, boolean indirect, boolean dataAccess)
      Constructor for an implied variable reference.
      variable - function variable
      offset - offset into variable
      indirect - if true and variable data-type is a pointer, the offset is relative to underlying data-type of the pointer-type. This should generally be true for register use which would contain a structure pointer not a structure instance, whereas it would be false for stack-references.
      dataAccess - true if content of variable is being read and/or written
    • VariableOffset

      public VariableOffset(Reference ref, Variable var)
      Constructor for an explicit variable reference.
      ref - the reference
      var - the variable being referenced
  • Method Details

    • setReplacedElement

      public void setReplacedElement(Scalar s, boolean includeScalarAdjustment)
      Sets the original replaced sub-operand Scalar.
      s - scalar
      includeScalarAdjustment - if true scalar adjustment will be included with object list or string representation
    • setReplacedElement

      public void setReplacedElement(Register reg)
      Sets the original replaced sub-operand Register.
    • getReplacedElement

      public Object getReplacedElement()
      Returns the Scalar or Register sub-operand replaced by this VariableOffset object.
      object or null
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
      See Also:
    • getDataTypeDisplayText

      public String getDataTypeDisplayText()
      Returns the data type access portion of this variable offset as a string
      the text
    • getObjects

      public List<Object> getObjects()
      Get list of markup objects
      list of markup objects
    • getVariable

      public Variable getVariable()
    • isIndirect

      public boolean isIndirect()
    • isDataAccess

      public boolean isDataAccess()
    • getOffset

      public long getOffset()
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object