Interface MemoryBlockSourceInfo

public interface MemoryBlockSourceInfo
Describes the source of bytes for a memory block.
  • Method Details

    • getLength

      long getLength()
      Returns the length of this block byte source.
      the length of this block byte source.
    • getMinAddress

      Address getMinAddress()
      Returns the start address where this byte source is mapped.
      the start address where this byte source is mapped.
    • getMaxAddress

      Address getMaxAddress()
      Returns the end address where this byte source is mapped.
      the end address where this byte source is mapped.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Returns a description of this SourceInfo object.
      a description of this SourceInfo object.
    • getFileBytes

      Optional<FileBytes> getFileBytes()
      Returns an Optional FileBytes object if a FileBytes object is the byte source for this SourceInfo. Otherwise, the Optional will be empty.
      the FileBytes object if it is the byte source for this section
    • getFileBytesOffset

      long getFileBytesOffset()
      Returns the offset into the underlying FileBytes object where this sub-block starts getting its bytes from or -1 if this sub-block does not have an associated FileBytes or a complex bit/byte-mapping is used.
      the offset into the FileBytes object where this section starts getting its bytes.
    • getFileBytesOffset

      long getFileBytesOffset(Address address)
      Returns the offset into the FileBytes object for the given address or -1 if this sub-block if address is out of range or this sub-block does not have an associated FileBytes, or a complex bit/byte-mapping is used.
      address - the address for which to get an offset into the FileBytes object.
      the offset into the FileBytes object for the given address.
    • getMappedRange

      Optional<AddressRange> getMappedRange()
      Returns an Optional AddressRange for the mapped addresses if this is a mapped memory block (bit mapped or byte mapped). Otherwise, the Optional is empty.
      an Optional AddressRange for the mapped addresses if this is a mapped memory block
    • getByteMappingScheme

      Optional<ByteMappingScheme> getByteMappingScheme()
      Returns an Optional ByteMappingScheme employed if this is a byte-mapped memory block. Otherwise, the Optional is empty.
      an Optional ByteMappingScheme employed if this is a byte-mapped memory block.
    • getMemoryBlock

      MemoryBlock getMemoryBlock()
      Returns the containing Memory Block
      the containing Memory Block
    • contains

      boolean contains(Address address)
      Returns true if this SourceInfo object applies to the given address;
      address - the address to test if this is its SourceInfo
      true if this SourceInfo object applies to the given address;
    • containsFileOffset

      default boolean containsFileOffset(long fileOffset)
      Determine if this block source contains the specified file offset.
      fileOffset - file offset within underlying FileBytes (if applicable) within the loaded range associated with this source info.
      true if file offset is within the loaded range of the corresponding FileBytes, else false if method is not supported by the sub-block type (e.g., bit/byte-mapped sub-block).
    • locateAddressForFileOffset

      default Address locateAddressForFileOffset(long fileOffset)
      Get the Address within this sub-block which corresponds to the specified file offset.
      fileOffset - file offset
      Address within this sub-block or null if file offset is out of range or method is not supported by the sub-block type (e.g., bit/byte-mapped sub-block).