Interface ByteIngest

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
PackedDecode, PackedDecodeOverlay, StringIngest

public interface ByteIngest
An object that can ingest bytes from a stream in preparation for decoding
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Clear any previous cached bytes.
    Formal indicator that ingesting of bytes is complete and processing can begin
    ingestBytes(byte[] byteArray, int off, int sz)
    Ingest bytes directly from a byte array.
    Ingest bytes from the stream until the end of stream is encountered.
    Ingest bytes from the stream up to (and including) the first 0 byte.
    open(int max, String desc)
    Open the ingester for receiving bytes.
  • Method Details

    • clear

      void clear()
      Clear any previous cached bytes.
    • open

      void open(int max, String desc)
      Open the ingester for receiving bytes. This establishes the description of the source of the bytes and maximum number of bytes that can be read
      max - is the maximum number of bytes that can be read
      desc - is the description of the byte source
    • ingestStreamToNextTerminator

      void ingestStreamToNextTerminator(InputStream inStream) throws IOException
      Ingest bytes from the stream up to (and including) the first 0 byte. This can be called multiple times to read in bytes in different chunks. An absolute limit is set on the number of bytes that can be ingested via the max parameter to a previous call to open(). If this limit is exceeded, an exception is thrown.
      inStream - is the input stream to read from
      IOException - for errors reading from the stream
    • ingestStream

      void ingestStream(InputStream inStream) throws IOException
      Ingest bytes from the stream until the end of stream is encountered. An absolute limit is set on the number of bytes that can be ingested via the max parameter to a previous call to open(). If this limit is exceeded, an exception is thrown.
      inStream - is the input stream to read from
      IOException - for errors reading from the stream
    • ingestBytes

      void ingestBytes(byte[] byteArray, int off, int sz) throws IOException
      Ingest bytes directly from a byte array. If these bytes would cause the total number of bytes ingested to exceed the maximum (as set by the call to open()), an exception is thrown. This can be called multiple times to read in different chunks.
      byteArray - is the array of bytes
      off - is the index of the first byte to ingest
      sz - is the number of bytes to ingest
      IOException - if the max number of bytes to ingest is exceeded
    • endIngest

      void endIngest() throws IOException
      Formal indicator that ingesting of bytes is complete and processing can begin
      IOException - for errors processing the underlying stream
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      true if no bytes have yet been ingested via ingestStream()