Interface Equate

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Equate
An Equate associates a string with a scalar value in the program, and contains a list of addresses and operand positions that refer to this equate.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the actual name of this equate. Note that this name may be different than the "display name," which is what the user will see.
      The actual name of this equate.
    • getDisplayName

      String getDisplayName()
      Gets the "display name" of this equate. Note that the display name may be different than the equate's actual name if the equate is based off a data type id.
      The "display name" of this equate.
    • getValue

      long getValue()
      Get the value of this equate.
    • getDisplayValue

      String getDisplayValue()
      Gets a more accurate representation of the equate value. Used for rendering as close to the listing as possible.
      A more accurate representation of the equate value.
    • getReferenceCount

      int getReferenceCount()
      Get the number of references to this equate.
    • addReference

      void addReference(Address refAddr, int opndPosition)
      Add a reference (at the given operand position) to this equate. If a reference already exists for the instruction at this address, then the old reference will be removed before the new reference is added.
      refAddr - the address where the equate is used.
      opndPosition - the operand index where the equate is used.
    • addReference

      void addReference(long dynamicHash, Address refAddr)
      Add a reference (at the given dynamic hash position) to this equate. If a reference already exists for the instruction at this address, then the old reference will be removed before the new reference is added.
      dynamicHash - constant varnode dynamic hash value
      refAddr - the address where the equate is used.
    • renameEquate

      void renameEquate(String newName) throws DuplicateNameException, InvalidInputException
      Changes the name associated with the equate.
      newName - the new name for this equate.
      DuplicateNameException - thrown if newName is already used by another equate.
      InvalidInputException - if newName contains blank characters, is zero length, or is null
    • getReferences

      EquateReference[] getReferences()
      Get the references for this equate.
      a array of EquateReferences.
    • getReferences

      List<EquateReference> getReferences(Address refAddr)
      Get references for this equate attached to a specific address
      refAddr - is the address
      the list of EquateReferences
    • removeReference

      void removeReference(Address refAddr, int opndPosition)
      Remove the reference at the given operand position.
      refAddr - the address that was using this equate
      opndPosition - the operand index of the operand that was using this eqate.
    • removeReference

      void removeReference(long dynamicHash, Address refAddr)
      Remove the reference at the given address
      dynamicHash - the hash of the reference
      refAddr - the reference's address
    • isValidUUID

      boolean isValidUUID()
      Checks if equate is based off an enum's universal id and checks if the enum still exists. The equate is still valid if the equate is not based off an enum.
      true if the equate is based off an enum that still exists.
    • isEnumBased

      boolean isEnumBased()
      Checks if equate is based off an enum's universal id.
    • getEnumUUID

      UniversalID getEnumUUID()
      Gets the universal id from this equate if the equate was based off of an enum.
      The universal id for this equate.
    • toString

      String toString()
      Get the name of this equate.
      toString in class Object
      See Also: