Interface OffsetReference

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<Reference>, Reference

public interface OffsetReference extends Reference
OffsetReference is a memory reference whose "to" address is computed from a base address plus an offset.

NOTE: References into the reserved EXTERNAL block must report getToAddress() the same as getBaseAddress() regardless of offset value due to symbol spacing limitations within the EXTERNAL block. See MemoryBlock.EXTERNAL_BLOCK_NAME.

  • Method Details

    • getOffset

      long getOffset()
      Returns the offset.
      the offset
    • getBaseAddress

      Address getBaseAddress()
      Returns the base address.
      the address
    • getToAddress

      Address getToAddress()
      Return the base address plus the offset. The exception to this is the EXTERNAL block case where this method returns the base address regardless of the offset value.
      Specified by:
      getToAddress in interface Reference
      reference "to" address