Interface SymbolTableListener

public interface SymbolTableListener
Listener methods that are called when changes to symbols are made.
  • Method Details

    • symbolAdded

      void symbolAdded(SourceType symbol)
      Notification that the given symbol has been added.
      symbol - the symbol that was added.
    • symbolRemoved

      void symbolRemoved(Address addr, String name, boolean isLocal)
      Notification that a symbol was removed.
      addr - address where the symbol was
      name - name of symbol
      isLocal - true if the symbol was in the scope of a function
    • symbolRenamed

      void symbolRenamed(SourceType symbol, String oldName)
      Notification that the given symbol was renamed.
      symbol - symbol that was renamed
      oldName - old name of the symbol
    • primarySymbolSet

      void primarySymbolSet(SourceType symbol)
      Notification that the given symbol was set as the primary symbol.
      symbol - the symbol that is now primary.
    • symbolScopeChanged

      void symbolScopeChanged(SourceType symbol)
      Notification that the scope on a symbol changed.
      symbol - the symbol whose scope has changed.
    • externalEntryPointAdded

      void externalEntryPointAdded(Address addr)
      Notification that an external entry point was added at the given address.
      addr - the address that made an external entry point.
    • externalEntryPointRemoved

      void externalEntryPointRemoved(Address addr)
      Notification that an external entry point was removed from the given address.
      addr - the address the removed as an external entry point.
    • associationAdded

      void associationAdded(SourceType symbol, Reference ref)
      Notification that the association between a reference and a specific symbol has changed.
      symbol - affected symbol
      ref - affected reference
    • associationRemoved

      void associationRemoved(Reference ref)
      Notification that the association between the given reference and any symbol was removed.
      ref - the reference that had a symbol association removed.