Interface AddressCorrelator

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface AddressCorrelator
Interface for address correlation algorithms that can generate an address mapping from one set of program addresses to another.
  • Method Details

    • correlate

      AddressCorrelation correlate(Function sourceFunction, Function destinationFunction)
      Returns an address mapping from one function to another.
      sourceFunction - the source function.
      destinationFunction - the destination function.
      an AddressCorrelation that represents a mapping of the addresses from the source function to the destination function.
    • correlate

      AddressCorrelation correlate(Data sourceData, Data destinationData)
      Returns an address mapping from one piece of data to another.
      sourceData - the source data.
      destinationData - the destination data.
      an AddressCorrelation that represents a mapping of the addresses from the source data to the destination data.
    • getOptions

      ToolOptions getOptions()
      Returns the current Option settings for this correlator.
      the current Option settings for this correlator.
    • setOptions

      void setOptions(ToolOptions options)
      Sets the options to use for this correlator.
      options - the options to use for this correlator.
    • getDefaultOptions

      Options getDefaultOptions()
      Returns the options with the default settings for this correlator.
      the options with the default settings for this correlator.