Class ChangeManagerAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ChangeManagerAdapter extends Object implements ChangeManager
Empty implementation for a ChangeManager.
  • Constructor Details

    • ChangeManagerAdapter

      public ChangeManagerAdapter()
  • Method Details

    • setPropertyChanged

      public void setPropertyChanged(String propertyName, Address codeUnitAddr, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
      Description copied from interface: ChangeManager
      Mark the state of a Program as having changed and generate the DOCR_CODE_UNIT_PROPERTY_CHANGED event.
      Specified by:
      setPropertyChanged in interface ChangeManager
      propertyName - name of property for the range that changed
      codeUnitAddr - address of the code unit with the property change
      oldValue - old value for the property
      newValue - new value for the property
    • setPropertyRangeRemoved

      public void setPropertyRangeRemoved(String propertyName, Address start, Address end)
      Description copied from interface: ChangeManager
      Mark the state of the Program as having changed and generate the DOCR_CODE_UNIT_PROPERTY_RANGE_REMOVED event.
      Specified by:
      setPropertyRangeRemoved in interface ChangeManager
      propertyName - name of property for the range being removed
      start - start address of the range
      end - end address of the range
    • setRegisterValuesChanged

      public void setRegisterValuesChanged(Register register, Address start, Address end)
      Description copied from interface: ChangeManager
      Notifies that register values have changed over the indicated address range.
      Specified by:
      setRegisterValuesChanged in interface ChangeManager
      register - register value which was modified (a value of null indicates all registers affected or unknown)
      start - the start address for the range where values changed
      end - the end address (inclusive) for the range where values changed
    • setChanged

      public void setChanged(ProgramEvent event, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
      Description copied from interface: ChangeManager
      Mark the state of a Program as having changed and generate the event of the specified type. Any or all parameters may be null.
      Specified by:
      setChanged in interface ChangeManager
      event - the event type
      oldValue - original value or an Object that is related to the event
      newValue - new value or an Object that is related to the the event
    • setChanged

      public void setChanged(ProgramEvent event, Address start, Address end, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
      Description copied from interface: ChangeManager
      Mark the state of a Program as having changed and generate the event of the specified type. Any or all parameters may be null.
      Specified by:
      setChanged in interface ChangeManager
      event - the event type
      start - starting address that is affected by the event
      end - ending address that is affected by the event
      oldValue - original value or an Object that is related to the event
      newValue - new value or an Object that is related to the the event
    • setObjChanged

      public void setObjChanged(ProgramEvent event, Object affected, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
      Description copied from interface: ChangeManager
      Mark the state of a Program as having changed and generate the event of the specified type. Any or all parameters may be null.
      Specified by:
      setObjChanged in interface ChangeManager
      event - the event type
      affected - object that is the subject of the event
      oldValue - original value or an Object that is related to the event
      newValue - new value or an Object that is related to the the event
    • setObjChanged

      public void setObjChanged(ProgramEvent eventType, Address addr, Object affected, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
      Description copied from interface: ChangeManager
      Mark the state of a Program as having changed and generate the event of the specified type. Any or all parameters may be null.
      Specified by:
      setObjChanged in interface ChangeManager
      eventType - the event type
      addr - program address affected
      affected - object that is the subject of the event
      oldValue - original value or an Object that is related to the event
      newValue - new value or an Object that is related to the the event