Class EquateInfo


public class EquateInfo extends Object
Class to hold information about an Equate; it is used in a ProgramChangeRecord when an equate is created and when references to the Equate are updated.
  • Constructor Summary

    EquateInfo(String name, long value, Address refAddr, int opIndex, long dynamicHash)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Get the varnode dynamic hash of where the equate was placed; This value is meaningful only if the reference address is not null, and may be 0 if only the operand index applies.
    Get the equate name.
    Get the operand index of where the equate was placed; This value is meaningful only if the reference address is not null, and may be -1 if only the dynamicHash applies.
    Get the reference address.
    Get the equate value.
    Return a meaningful string for debugging purposes.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • EquateInfo

      public EquateInfo(String name, long value, Address refAddr, int opIndex, long dynamicHash)
      name - Equate name
      value - Equate value
      refAddr - Reference address (may be null for some event types)
      opIndex - operand index for the reference; useful only if refAddr is not null. May be -1 if only dynamicHash applies.
      dynamicHash - dynamic hash. May be 0 if only opIndex applies.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Get the equate name.
    • getValue

      public long getValue()
      Get the equate value.
    • getReferenceAddress

      public Address getReferenceAddress()
      Get the reference address.
    • getOperandIndex

      public int getOperandIndex()
      Get the operand index of where the equate was placed; This value is meaningful only if the reference address is not null, and may be -1 if only the dynamicHash applies.
    • getDynamicHash

      public long getDynamicHash()
      Get the varnode dynamic hash of where the equate was placed; This value is meaningful only if the reference address is not null, and may be 0 if only the operand index applies.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Return a meaningful string for debugging purposes.
      toString in class Object