Class MnemonicFieldLocation

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Comparable<ProgramLocation>

public class MnemonicFieldLocation extends CodeUnitLocation
The MnemonicFieldLocation class contains specific location information within the MNEMONIC field of a CodeUnitLocation object.
  • Constructor Details

    • MnemonicFieldLocation

      public MnemonicFieldLocation(Program program, Address addr, int[] componentPath, String mnemonicString, int charOffset)
      Construct a new MnemonicFieldLocation.
      program - the program of the location
      addr - address of the location; should not be null
      componentPath - array of indexes for each nested data component; the index is the data component's index within its parent; may be null
      mnemonicString - the mnemonic string
      charOffset - the character position within the mnemonic string for this location.
    • MnemonicFieldLocation

      public MnemonicFieldLocation(Program program, Address addr, Address refAddr, int[] componentPath, String mnemonicString, int charOffset)
      Construct a new MnemonicFieldLocation.
      program - the program of the location
      addr - address of the location; should not be null
      refAddr - the "referred to" address if the location is over a reference; may be null
      componentPath - array of indexes for each nested data component; the index is the data component's index within its parent; may be null
      mnemonicString - the mnemonic string
      charOffset - the character position within the mnemonic string for this location.
    • MnemonicFieldLocation

      public MnemonicFieldLocation(Program program, Address address)
      See Also:
    • MnemonicFieldLocation

      public MnemonicFieldLocation()
      Default constructor needed for restoring a mnemonic field location from XML.
  • Method Details

    • getMnemonic

      public String getMnemonic()
      Returns the mnemonic string at this location.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a String representation of this location.
      toString in class ProgramLocation
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class ProgramLocation
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class ProgramLocation
    • restoreState

      public void restoreState(Program p, SaveState obj)
      Description copied from class: ProgramLocation
      Restore this program location using the given program and save state object.
      restoreState in class ProgramLocation
      p - program to restore from
      obj - the save state to restore from
    • saveState

      public void saveState(SaveState obj)
      Description copied from class: ProgramLocation
      Save this program location to the given save state object.
      saveState in class ProgramLocation
      obj - the save state object for saving the location