Class ProgramUtilities


public class ProgramUtilities extends Object
General utility class that provides convenience methods to deal with Program objects.
  • Method Details

    • getDataConverter

      public static DataConverter getDataConverter(Program program)
    • addTrackedProgram

      public static void addTrackedProgram(Program program)
      Programs will only be stored during testing and are maintained as weak references.
      program - The program that is being tracked (all programs during testing.
    • getSystemPrograms

      public static Iterator<Program> getSystemPrograms()
      Returns an iterator for all of the Program objects in the system, which is all created programs in any state that have not been garbage collected.

      Note:The Iterator is backed by an unmodifiable set, so any attempts to modify the Iterator will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.

      an iterator for all of the programs in the system
    • parseAddress

      public static Address parseAddress(Program program, String addressString)
    • getByteCodeString

      public static String getByteCodeString(CodeUnit cu)
      Get the bytes associated with the specified code unit cu formatted as a string. Bytes will be returned as 2-digit hex separated with a space. Any undefined bytes will be represented by "??".
      cu - code unit
      formatted byte string
    • convertFunctionWrappedExternalPointer

      public static void convertFunctionWrappedExternalPointer(Symbol functionSymbol)
      Convert old function wrapped external pointers. Migrate function to external function.
    • isChangedWithUpgradeOnly

      public static boolean isChangedWithUpgradeOnly(Program program)
      Determine if a program has a single unsaved change which corresponds to an upgrade which occured during instantiation.
      program - the program to be checked for an unsaved upgrade condition.
      true if program upgraded and has not been saved, else false