Class ThunkedFunctionFieldLocation

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Comparable<ProgramLocation>

public class ThunkedFunctionFieldLocation extends FunctionLocation
The ThunkedFunctionFieldLocation class provides specific information about a thunked function within a program location.
  • Constructor Details

    • ThunkedFunctionFieldLocation

      public ThunkedFunctionFieldLocation(Program program, Address locationAddr, Address functionAddr, Address thunkedFunctionAddr, int charOffset)
      Construct a new ThunkedFunctionFieldLocation object.
      program - the program containing the thinked function
      locationAddr - the address of the listing location (i.e., referent code unit)
      functionAddr - the function address
      thunkedFunctionAddr - the thunked function address
      charOffset - field character offset
    • ThunkedFunctionFieldLocation

      public ThunkedFunctionFieldLocation()
      Default constructor needed for restoring a program location from XML