Package ghidra.util

Class BrowserLoader


public class BrowserLoader extends Object
BrowserLoader opens a web browser and displays the given url.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BrowserLoader

      public BrowserLoader()
  • Method Details

    • display

      public static void display(URL url)
      Display the content specified by url in a web browser window. This call will launch a new thread and then immediately return.
      url - The URL to show.
    • display

      public static void display(URL url, URL fileURL, ServiceProvider serviceProvider)
      Display the content specified by url in a web browser window. This call will launch a new thread and then immediately return.
      url - The web URL to show (e.g., http://localhost...).
      fileURL - The file URL to show (e.g., file:///path/to/file).
      serviceProvider - A service provider from which to get system resources.