Package ghidra.util

Class ColorUtils


public class ColorUtils extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ColorUtils

      public ColorUtils()
  • Method Details

    • deriveBackground

      public static Color deriveBackground(Color src, float hue, float sfact, float bfact)
    • deriveBackground

      public static Color deriveBackground(Color background, float hue)
    • deriveForeground

      public static Color deriveForeground(Color bg, float hue, float brt)
    • deriveForeground

      public static Color deriveForeground(Color bg, float hue)
    • contrastForegroundColor

      public static Color contrastForegroundColor(Color color)
      A method to produce a color (either black or white) that contrasts with the given color. This is useful for finding a readable foreground color for a given background.
      color - the color for which to find a contrast.
      the contrasting color.
    • blend

      public static Color blend(Color c1, Color c2, double ratio)
      Takes the first color, blending into it the second color, using the given ratio. A lower ratio (say .1f) signals to use very little of the first color; a larger ratio signals to use more of the first color.
      c1 - the first color
      c2 - the second color
      ratio - the amount of the first color to include in the final output
      the new color
    • addColors

      public static Color addColors(Color primary, Color secondary)
      Combines colors in a way the makes them stand out from each other more than just averaging them together. Basically if the colors are bright, the result is a darker value than the primary, adjusted based on the values in the secondary. If the colors are dark, then the result is a brighter version of the primary color adjusted based on values in the secondary color.
      primary - the primary color to be tweaked
      secondary - the color to used to determine the amount to tweak the red,green,blue values
      a new color that is a combination of the two colors
    • withAlpha

      public static Color withAlpha(Color c, int alpha)
      Returns a new color that is comprised of the given color's rgb value and the given alpha value.
      c - the color
      alpha - the alpha
      the new color
    • getColor

      public static Color getColor(int rgba)
      Return the color object given a rgba value that includes the desired alpha value.
      rgba - value where bits 24-31 are alpha, 16-23 are red, 8-15 are green, 0-7 are blue
      the color object given a rgba value that includes the desired alpha value
    • getColor

      public static Color getColor(int red, int green, int blue)
      Return an opaque color object given for the given red, green, and blue values.
      red - the red value (0 - 255)
      green - the green value (0 - 255)
      blue - the blue value (0 - 255)
      the color object for the given values
    • getColor

      public static Color getColor(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)
      Return the color object given for the given red, green, blue, and alpha values.
      red - the red value (0 - 255)
      green - the green value (0 - 255)
      blue - the blue value (0 - 255)
      alpha - the alpha (transparency) value (0 - 255) with 0 being fully transparent and 255 being fully opaque opaque
      the color object for the given values
    • getOpaqueColor

      public static Color getOpaqueColor(int rgb)
      Returns an opaque color with the given rgb value. The resulting color will have an alpha value of 0xff.
      rgb - the value where bits 16-23 are red, 8-15 are green, 0-7 are blue. Bits 24-31 will be set to 0xff.
      an opaque color with the given rgb value
    • average

      public static Color average(Color color1, Color color2)
      Creates a new color by averaging the red, green, blue, and alpha values from the given colors.
      color1 - the first color to average
      color2 - the second color to average
      a new color that is the average of the two given colors