Package ghidra.util

Class NumericUtilities


public final class NumericUtilities extends Object
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final BigInteger
    static final long
    static final BigInteger
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static long
    static String
    convertBytesToString(byte[] bytes)
    Convert a byte array into a hexadecimal string.
    static String
    convertBytesToString(byte[] bytes, int start, int len, String delimeter)
    Convert a byte array into a hexadecimal string.
    static String
    convertBytesToString(byte[] bytes, String delimeter)
    Convert a byte array into a hexadecimal string.
    static String
    Convert a bytes into a hexadecimal string.
    static String
    Convert a bytes into a hexadecimal string.
    static String
    convertBytesToString(Stream<Byte> bytes, String delimiter)
    Convert a bytes into a hexadecimal string.
    static void
    convertHexStringToMaskedValue(AtomicLong msk, AtomicLong val, String hex, int n, int spaceevery, String spacer)
    static String
    convertMaskedValueToHexString(long msk, long val, int n, boolean truncate, int spaceevery, String spacer)
    Convert a masked value into a hexadecimal-ish string.
    static String
    convertMaskToHexString(long msk, int n, boolean truncate, int spaceevery, String spacer)
    Convert a mask to a hexadecimal-ish string.
    static byte[]
    Parse hexadecimal digits into a byte array.
    static String
    formatNumber(long number, int radix)
    Render number in different bases using the default signedness mode.
    static String
    formatNumber(long number, int radix, SignednessFormatMode mode)
    Provide renderings of number in different bases: 0 - renders number as an escaped character sequence 2 - renders number as a base-2 integer 8 - renders number as a base-8 integer 10 - renders number as a base-10 integer 16 (default) - renders number as a base-16 integer Number Radix DEFAULT Mode Alias UNSIGNED Mode Value SIGNED Mode Value   100 2 UNSIGNED 1100100b 1100100b 100 8 UNSIGNED 144o 144o 100 10 SIGNED 100 100 100 16 UNSIGNED 64h 64h   -1 2 UNSIGNED 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111b -1b -1 8 UNSIGNED 1777777777777777777777o -1o -1 10 SIGNED 18446744073709551615 -1 -1 16 UNSIGNED ffffffffffffffffh -1h   -100 2 UNSIGNED 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110011100b -1100100b -100 8 UNSIGNED 1777777777777777777634o -144o -100 10 SIGNED 18446744073709551516 -100 -100 16 UNSIGNED ffffffffffffff9ch -64h
    static long
    getUnsignedAlignedValue(long unsignedValue, long alignment)
    Get an unsigned aligned value corresponding to the specified unsigned value which will be greater than or equal the specified value.
    static boolean
    Determine if the provided Number class is a floating-point type.
    static boolean
    Determine if the provided Number is a floating-point type -- Float or Double.
    static boolean
    isIntegerType(Class<?> numClass)
    Determine if the provided Number class is an integer type.
    static boolean
    Determine if the provided Number is an integer type -- Byte, Short, Integer, or Long.
    static BigInteger
    Parses the given hex string as a BigIntge value, detecting whether or not it begins with a hex prefix, and if not, parses as a long int value.
    static long
    Parses the given string as a hex long value, detecting whether or not it begins with a hex prefix, and if not, parses as a long int value.
    static long
    Parses the given string as a numeric value, detecting whether or not it begins with a hex prefix, and if not, parses as a long int value.
    static long
    Parses the given string as a numeric value, detecting whether or not it begins with a hex prefix, and if not, parses as a long int value.
    static Long
    parseNumber(String s, Long defaultValue)
    Parses the given string as a numeric value, detecting whether or not it begins with a hex prefix, and if not, parses as a long int value.
    static final String
    toHexString(long value)
    returns the value of the specified long as hexadecimal, prefixing with the HEX_PREFIX_x string.
    static final String
    toHexString(long value, int size)
    returns the value of the specified long as hexadecimal, prefixing with the HEX_PREFIX_x string.
    static final String
    toSignedHexString(long value)
    returns the value of the specified long as signed hexadecimal, prefixing with the HEX_PREFIX_x string.
    static String
    toString(byte b)
    Convert the given byte into a two character String, padding with a leading 0 if needed.
    static BigInteger
    Converts a unsigned long value, which is currently stored in a java signed long, into a BigInteger.
    static double
    Convert a long, treated as unsigned, to a double

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final BigInteger MAX_UNSIGNED_LONG

      public static final BigInteger MAX_SIGNED_LONG

      public static final long MAX_UNSIGNED_INT32_AS_LONG
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • parseNumber

      public static long parseNumber(String numStr)
      Parses the given string as a numeric value, detecting whether or not it begins with a hex prefix, and if not, parses as a long int value.
      numStr - the number string
      the long value or 0
    • parseNumber

      public static Long parseNumber(String s, Long defaultValue)
      Parses the given string as a numeric value, detecting whether or not it begins with a hex prefix, and if not, parses as a long int value.
      s - the string to parse
      defaultValue - the default value to use if the string cannot be parsed
      the long value
    • parseLong

      public static long parseLong(String s)
      Parses the given string as a numeric value, detecting whether or not it begins with a hex prefix, and if not, parses as a long int value.
      s - the string to parse
      the long value
      NumberFormatException - if the string is blank or has too many digits
    • parseHexLong

      public static long parseHexLong(String s)
      Parses the given string as a hex long value, detecting whether or not it begins with a hex prefix, and if not, parses as a long int value.
      s - the string to parse
      the long value
      NumberFormatException - if the string is blank
    • parseHexBigInteger

      public static BigInteger parseHexBigInteger(String s)
      Parses the given hex string as a BigIntge value, detecting whether or not it begins with a hex prefix, and if not, parses as a long int value.
      s - the string to parse
      the long value
      NumberFormatException - if the string is blank
    • toHexString

      public static final String toHexString(long value)
      returns the value of the specified long as hexadecimal, prefixing with the HEX_PREFIX_x string.
      value - the long value to convert
      the string
    • toHexString

      public static final String toHexString(long value, int size)
      returns the value of the specified long as hexadecimal, prefixing with the HEX_PREFIX_x string.
      value - the long value to convert
      size - number of bytes to be represented
      the string
    • toSignedHexString

      public static final String toSignedHexString(long value)
      returns the value of the specified long as signed hexadecimal, prefixing with the HEX_PREFIX_x string.
      value - the long value to convert
      the string
    • unsignedLongToBigInteger

      public static BigInteger unsignedLongToBigInteger(long value)
      Converts a unsigned long value, which is currently stored in a java signed long, into a BigInteger.

      In other words, the full 64 bits of the primitive java signed long is being used to store an unsigned value. This method converts this into a positive BigInteger value.

      value - java unsigned long value stuffed into a java signed long
      new BigInteger with the positive value of the unsigned long value
    • bigIntegerToUnsignedLong

      public static long bigIntegerToUnsignedLong(BigInteger value)
    • unsignedLongToDouble

      public static double unsignedLongToDouble(long val)
      Convert a long, treated as unsigned, to a double
      val - the long to treat as unsigned and convert
      the double
    • getUnsignedAlignedValue

      public static long getUnsignedAlignedValue(long unsignedValue, long alignment)
      Get an unsigned aligned value corresponding to the specified unsigned value which will be greater than or equal the specified value.
      unsignedValue - value to be aligned
      alignment - alignment
      aligned value
    • convertMaskedValueToHexString

      public static String convertMaskedValueToHexString(long msk, long val, int n, boolean truncate, int spaceevery, String spacer)
      Convert a masked value into a hexadecimal-ish string. Converts the data to hexadecimal, placing an X where a nibble is unknown. Where a nibble is partially defined, it is displayed as four bits in brackets []. Bits are displayed as x, or the defined value. For example, consider the mask 00001111:01011100, and the value 00001001:00011000. This will display as X8:[x0x1][10xx]. To see the correlation, consider the table:
      Display X 8 : [x0x1] [10xx]
      Mask 0000 1111 : 0101 1100
      Value 0000 1000 : 0001 1000
      msk - the mask
      val - the value
      n - the number of nibbles, starting at the right. The example uses 4.
      truncate - true if leading Xs may be truncated. The example uses false.
      spaceevery - how many nibbles in spaced groups, 0 for no spaces. The example uses 2.
      spacer - the group separator, if applicable. The example uses ':'.
      the string representation
      See Also:
    • convertMaskToHexString

      public static String convertMaskToHexString(long msk, int n, boolean truncate, int spaceevery, String spacer)
      Convert a mask to a hexadecimal-ish string. Converts the mask in a similar way to convertMaskedValueToHexString(long, long, int, boolean, int, String). Philosophically, it is hexadecimal, but the only valid digits are 0 and F. Any partially-included nibble will be broken down into bracketed bits. Displaying masks in this way is convenient when shown proximal to related masked values.
      msk - the mask
      n - the number of nibbles, starting at the right
      truncate - true if leading Xs may be truncated
      spaceevery - how many nibbles in spaced groups, 0 for no spaces
      spacer - the group separator, if applicable
      the string representation
      See Also:
    • convertHexStringToMaskedValue

      public static void convertHexStringToMaskedValue(AtomicLong msk, AtomicLong val, String hex, int n, int spaceevery, String spacer)
      msk - an object to receive the resulting mask
      val - an object to receive the resulting value
      hex - the input string to parse
      n - the number of nibbles to parse (they are stored right aligned in the result)
      spaceevery - how many nibbles are expected between spacers
      spacer - the spacer
      See Also:
    • formatNumber

      public static String formatNumber(long number, int radix)
      Render number in different bases using the default signedness mode.

      This invokes formatNumber(long, int, SignednessFormatMode) with a mode parameter of SignednessFormatMode.DEFAULT.

      number - The number to represent
      radix - the base in which number is represented
      formatted string of the number parameter in provided radix base
      See Also:
    • formatNumber

      public static String formatNumber(long number, int radix, SignednessFormatMode mode)
      Provide renderings of number in different bases:
      • 0 - renders number as an escaped character sequence
      • 2 - renders number as a base-2 integer
      • 8 - renders number as a base-8 integer
      • 10 - renders number as a base-10 integer
      • 16 (default) - renders number as a base-16 integer
      Number Radix DEFAULT Mode Alias UNSIGNED Mode Value SIGNED Mode Value
      100 2 UNSIGNED 1100100b 1100100b
      100 8 UNSIGNED 144o 144o
      100 10 SIGNED 100 100
      100 16 UNSIGNED 64h 64h
      -1 2 UNSIGNED 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111b -1b
      -1 8 UNSIGNED 1777777777777777777777o -1o
      -1 10 SIGNED 18446744073709551615 -1
      -1 16 UNSIGNED ffffffffffffffffh -1h
      -100 2 UNSIGNED 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110011100b -1100100b
      -100 8 UNSIGNED 1777777777777777777634o -144o
      -100 10 SIGNED 18446744073709551516 -100
      -100 16 UNSIGNED ffffffffffffff9ch -64h
      number - The number to represent
      radix - The base in which number is represented
      mode - Specifies how the number is formatted with respect to its signed-ness
      number string in the given base
    • convertStringToBytes

      public static byte[] convertStringToBytes(String hexString)
      Parse hexadecimal digits into a byte array.
      hexString - hexadecimal digits
      numeric value as a byte array, or null if string contains invalid hex characters.
    • toString

      public static String toString(byte b)
      Convert the given byte into a two character String, padding with a leading 0 if needed.
      b - the byte
      the byte string
    • convertBytesToString

      public static String convertBytesToString(byte[] bytes)
      Convert a byte array into a hexadecimal string.
      bytes - byte array
      hex string representation
    • convertBytesToString

      public static String convertBytesToString(byte[] bytes, String delimeter)
      Convert a byte array into a hexadecimal string.
      bytes - byte array
      delimeter - the text between byte strings
      hex string representation
    • convertBytesToString

      public static String convertBytesToString(byte[] bytes, int start, int len, String delimeter)
      Convert a byte array into a hexadecimal string.
      bytes - byte array
      start - start index
      len - number of bytes to convert
      delimeter - the text between byte strings
      hex string representation
    • convertBytesToString

      public static String convertBytesToString(Iterator<Byte> bytes, String delimiter)
      Convert a bytes into a hexadecimal string.
      bytes - an iterator of bytes
      delimiter - the text between byte strings; null is allowed
      hex string representation
    • convertBytesToString

      public static String convertBytesToString(Iterable<Byte> bytes, String delimiter)
      Convert a bytes into a hexadecimal string.
      bytes - an iterable of bytes
      delimiter - the text between byte strings; null is allowed
      hex string representation
    • convertBytesToString

      public static String convertBytesToString(Stream<Byte> bytes, String delimiter)
      Convert a bytes into a hexadecimal string.
      bytes - an stream of bytes
      delimiter - the text between byte strings; null is allowed
      hex string representation
    • isIntegerType

      public static boolean isIntegerType(Number number)
      Determine if the provided Number is an integer type -- Byte, Short, Integer, or Long.
      number - the object to check for for integer-type
      true if the provided number is an integer-type, false otherwise
    • isIntegerType

      public static boolean isIntegerType(Class<?> numClass)
      Determine if the provided Number class is an integer type.
      numClass - Class of an object
      true if the class parameter is a integer type, false otherwise
    • isFloatingPointType

      public static boolean isFloatingPointType(Number number)
      Determine if the provided Number is a floating-point type -- Float or Double.
      number - the object to check for for floating-point-type
      true if the provided number is a floating-point-type, false otherwise
    • isFloatingPointType

      public static boolean isFloatingPointType(Class<?> numClass)
      Determine if the provided Number class is a floating-point type.
      numClass - Class of an object
      true if the class parameter is a floating-point type, false otherwise