Package ghidra.util

Class TaskUtilities


public class TaskUtilities extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • TaskUtilities

      public TaskUtilities()
  • Method Details

    • addTrackedTaskListener

      public static void addTrackedTaskListener(TrackedTaskListener listener)
      Adds a listener that will be notified when tasks are tracked (when they are added and removed from tracking).
      listener - The listener to add.
    • removeTrackedTaskListener

      public static void removeTrackedTaskListener(TrackedTaskListener listener)
      Removes the given listener added via addTrackedTask(Task,TaskMonitor).
      listener - The listener that needs to be removed.
    • addTrackedTask

      public static void addTrackedTask(Task task, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Adds a Task to the list of tasks that have not yet finished running.

      Note: it is safe to add the same task more than once, as it will not be repeatedly tracked.

      task - The task to watch
      monitor - the task monitor for the given task
    • removeTrackedTask

      public static void removeTrackedTask(Task task)
      Removes the Task to the list of tasks that have not yet finished running.
      task - The task to stop watching.
    • isExecutingTasks

      public static boolean isExecutingTasks()
      Returns true if there are tasks that are running or need to be run.
      true if there are tasks that are running or need to be run.
    • isTaskRunning

      public static boolean isTaskRunning(String title)
      Returns true if the task with the indicated title is running.
      title - the title of the desired task
      true if the task with the indicated title is running.