Class ClassSearcher


public class ClassSearcher extends Object
This class is a collection of static methods used to discover classes that implement a particular interface or extend a particular base class.

Warning: Using the search feature of this class will trigger other classes to be loaded. Thus, clients should not make calls to this class inside of static initializer blocks

Note: if your application is not using a module structure for its release build, then your application must create the following file, with the required entries, in order to find extension points:

        <install dir>/data/ExtensionPoint.manifest
  • Field Details


      public static final String SEARCH_ALL_JARS_PROPERTY
      This provides a means for custom apps that do not use a module structure to search all jars
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • search

      public static void search(TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
      Searches the classpath and updates the list of available classes which satisfies the internal class filter. When the search completes (and was not cancelled), any registered change listeners are notified.
      monitor - the progress monitor for the search
      CancelledException - if the operation was cancelled
    • getClasses

      public static <T> List<Class<? extends T>> getClasses(Class<T> ancestorClass)
      Get priority-sorted classes that implement or derive from the given ancestor class
      ancestorClass - the ancestor class
      set of classes that implement or extend T
    • getClasses

      public static <T> List<Class<? extends T>> getClasses(Class<T> ancestorClass, Predicate<Class<? extends T>> classFilter)
      Get priority-sorted classes that implement or derive from the given ancestor class
      ancestorClass - the ancestor class
      classFilter - A Predicate that tests class objects (that are already of type T) for further filtering, null is equivalent to "return true"
      priority-sorted list of classes that implement or extend T and pass the filtering test performed by the predicate
    • getInstances

      public static <T> List<T> getInstances(Class<T> c)
      Gets all priority-sorted class instances that implement or derive from the given filter class
      c - the filter class
      priority-sorted List of class instances that implement or extend T
    • getInstances

      public static <T> List<T> getInstances(Class<T> c, ClassFilter filter)
      Get priority-sorted classes instances that implement or derive from the given filter class and pass the given filter predicate
      c - the filter class
      filter - A filter predicate that tests class objects (that are already of type T). null is equivalent to "return true".
      priority-sorted List of class instances that implement or extend T and pass the filtering test performed by the predicate
    • addChangeListener

      public static void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l)
      Add a change listener that will be notified when the classpath is searched for new classes.

      Note: The listener list is implemented using WeakReferences. Therefore, the caller must maintain a handle to the listener being added, or else it will be garbage collected and never called.

      l - the listener to add
    • removeChangeListener

      public static void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l)
      Remove the change listener
      l - the listener to remove
    • getExtensionPointInfo

      public static Set<ClassFileInfo> getExtensionPointInfo()
      Gets class information about each discovered potential extension point.

      NOTE: A discovered potential extension point may end up not getting loaded if it is not "of interest" (see isClassOfInterest(Class). These are referred to as false positives.

      A Set of class information about each discovered potential extension point
    • getLoaded

      public static Set<ClassFileInfo> getLoaded()
      Gets class information about each loaded extension point.

      NOTE: Ghidra may load more classes as it runs. Therefore, repeated calls to this method may return more results, as more extension points are loaded.

      A Set of class information about each loaded extension point
    • getFalsePositives

      public static Set<ClassFileInfo> getFalsePositives()
      Gets class information about discovered potential extension points that end up not getting loaded.

      NOTE: Ghidra may load more classes as it runs. Therefore, repeated calls to this method may return more results, as more potential extension points are identified as false positives.

      A Set of class information about each loaded extension point
    • getExtensionPointSuffix

      public static String getExtensionPointSuffix(String className)
      Gets the given class's extension point suffix.

      Note that if multiple suffixes match, the smallest will be chosen. For a detailed explanation, see the comment inside loadExtensionPointSuffixes().

      className - The name of the potential extension point class
      The given class's extension point suffix, or null if it is not an extension point or search(TaskMonitor) has not been called yet
    • isClassOfInterest

      public static boolean isClassOfInterest(Class<?> c)
      Checks to see if the given class is an extension point of interest.
      c - The class to check.
      True if the given class is an extension point of interest; otherwise, false.
    • logStatistics

      public static void logStatistics()
      Writes the current class searcher statistics to the info log