Class DataTypeParser


public class DataTypeParser extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • DataTypeParser

      public DataTypeParser(DataTypeQueryService dataTypeManagerService, DataTypeParser.AllowedDataTypes allowedTypes)
      A constructor that does not use the source or destination data type managers. In terms of the source data type manager, this means that all data type managers will be used when resolving data types.
      dataTypeManagerService - data-type manager tool service, or null
      allowedTypes - constrains which data-types may be parsed
    • DataTypeParser

      public DataTypeParser(DataTypeManager sourceDataTypeManager, DataTypeManager destinationDataTypeManager, DataTypeQueryService dataTypeManagerService, DataTypeParser.AllowedDataTypes allowedTypes)
      sourceDataTypeManager - preferred source data-type manager, or null
      destinationDataTypeManager - target data-type manager, or null
      dataTypeManagerService - data-type manager tool service, or null
      allowedTypes - constrains which data-types may be parsed
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • parse

      public DataType parse(String dataTypeString) throws InvalidDataTypeException, CancelledException
      Parse a data-type string specification
      dataTypeString - a known data-type name followed by zero or more pointer/array decorations.
      parsed data-type or null if not found
      InvalidDataTypeException - if data-type string is invalid or length exceeds specified maxSize
      CancelledException - parse cancelled through user interaction
    • parse

      public DataType parse(String dataTypeString, CategoryPath category) throws InvalidDataTypeException, CancelledException
      Parse a data type string specification with category path. If category is not null, the dataTypeManagerService will not be queried.
      dataTypeString - a known data-type name followed by zero or more pointer/array decorations.
      category - known path of data-type or null if unknown
      parsed data-type or null if not found
      InvalidDataTypeException - if data type string is invalid or length exceeds specified maxSize
      CancelledException - parse cancelled through user interaction (only if parser constructed with service)
    • parse

      public DataType parse(String dataTypeString, DataType suggestedBaseDataType) throws InvalidDataTypeException, CancelledException
      Parse a data type string specification using the specified baseDatatype.
      suggestedBaseDataType - base data type (may be null), this will be used as the base data-type if its name matches the base name in the specified dataTypeString.
      dataTypeString - a base data-type followed by a sequence of zero or more pointer/array decorations to be applied. The string may start with the baseDataType's name.
      parsed data-type or null if not found
      InvalidDataTypeException - if data-type string is invalid or length exceeds specified maxSize
      CancelledException - parse cancelled through user interaction (only if parser constructed with service)
    • ensureIsAllowableType

      public static void ensureIsAllowableType(DataType dt, DataTypeParser.AllowedDataTypes allowedTypes) throws InvalidDataTypeException
      Throws exception if the data type does not match the specified DataTypeParser.AllowedDataTypes.
      dt - DataType to check
      allowedTypes - enum specifying what category of data types are ok
      InvalidDataTypeException - if dt violates the specified allowedTypes