Class AddressTableLengthTableColumn

All Implemented Interfaces:
DynamicTableColumn<,Integer,Program>, ExtensionPoint, ProgramBasedDynamicTableColumn<,Integer>, ProgramLocationTableColumn<,Integer>

public class AddressTableLengthTableColumn extends ProgramLocationTableColumnExtensionPoint<,Integer>
This table field displays size of the address table associated with a row in the table.
  • Constructor Details

    • AddressTableLengthTableColumn

      public AddressTableLengthTableColumn()
  • Method Details

    • getColumnDisplayName

      public String getColumnDisplayName(Settings settings)
      Description copied from interface: DynamicTableColumn
      Determines the column heading that will be displayed.
      Specified by:
      getColumnDisplayName in interface DynamicTableColumn<,Integer,Program>
      getColumnDisplayName in class AbstractDynamicTableColumn<,Integer,Program>
      settings - the settings
      the field name to display as the column heading.
    • getColumnName

      public String getColumnName()
      Description copied from interface: DynamicTableColumn
      Determines the unique column heading that may be used to identify a column instance. This name must be non-changing and is used to save/restore state information.
      Specified by:
      getColumnName in interface DynamicTableColumn<,Integer,Program>
      Specified by:
      getColumnName in class AbstractDynamicTableColumn<,Integer,Program>
      the field instance name.
    • getValue

      public Integer getValue( rowObject, Settings settings, Program pgm, ServiceProvider serviceProvider) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Description copied from interface: DynamicTableColumn
      Creates an object that is appropriate for this field (table column) and for the object that is associated with this row of the table.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface DynamicTableColumn<,Integer,Program>
      Specified by:
      getValue in class AbstractDynamicTableColumn<,Integer,Program>
      rowObject - the object associated with the row in the table.
      settings - field settings
      pgm - the expected data object, as defined by the DATA_SOURCE type
      serviceProvider - the ServiceProvider associated with the table.
      the object for the model to display in the table cell.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the rowObject is not one supported by this class.
    • getProgramLocation

      public ProgramLocation getProgramLocation( rowObject, Settings settings, Program program, ServiceProvider serviceProvider)
      Description copied from interface: ProgramLocationTableColumn
      Determines an appropriate program location associated with this field for the indicated row object. The most probable use is for navigating from the field.
      rowObject - the object associated with the table row.
      settings - field settings
      program - the program associated with the table.
      serviceProvider - the plugin tool associated with the table.
      the address associated with the field.