Class RunManager


public class RunManager extends Object
Helper class to execute a Runnable in a separate thread and provides a progress monitor component that is shown as needed. This class can support several different scheduling models described below.

1) Only allow one runnable at any given time. In this model, a new runnable will cause any running runnable to be cancelled and the new runnable will begin running. Because of this, there will never be any runnables waiting in the queue. Use the runNow(MonitoredRunnable, String) method to get this behavior.

2) Allow one running runnable and one pending runnable. In this mode, any running runnable will be allowed to complete, but any currently pending runnable will be replaced by the new runnable. Use the runNext(MonitoredRunnable, String) method to get this behavior.

3) Run all scheduled runnables in the order they are scheduled. Use the runLater(MonitoredRunnable, String, int) for this behavior.

If the given runnable has Swing work to perform after the main method completes (e.g., updating Swing components), the runnable should implement the SwingRunnable interface and perform this work in SwingRunnable.swingRun(boolean).

The progress monitor component, retrieved via getMonitorComponent(), can be placed into a Swing widget. This RunManager will show and hide this progress component as necessary when runnables are being run.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getMonitorComponent

      public JComponent getMonitorComponent()
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
    • cancelAllRunnables

      public void cancelAllRunnables()
      A convenience method to cancel the any currently running job and any scheduled jobs. Note: this method does not block or wait for the currently running job to finish.
    • waitForNotBusy

      public void waitForNotBusy(int maxWaitMillis)
    • runNow

      public void runNow(MonitoredRunnable runnable, String taskName)
      Cancels any currently running runnable, clears any queued runnables, and then runs the given runnable.

      See the class header for more info.

      runnable - Runnable to execute
      taskName - name of runnable; may be null (this will appear in the progress panel)
    • runNow

      public void runNow(MonitoredRunnable runnable, String taskName, int showProgressDelay)
      Cancels any currently running runnable, clears any queued runnables, and then runs the given runnable.

      See the class header for more info.

      runnable - Runnable to execute
      taskName - name of runnable; may be null (this will appear in the progress panel)
      showProgressDelay - the amount of time (in milliseconds) before showing the progress panel
    • runNext

      public void runNext(MonitoredRunnable runnable, String taskName)
      Allows any currently running runnable to finish, clears any queued runnables, and then queues the given runnable to be run after the current runnable finishes.

      This call will use the default delay of 500.

      See the class header for more info.

      runnable - Runnable to execute
      taskName - name of runnable; may be null (this will appear in the progress panel)
    • runNext

      public void runNext(MonitoredRunnable runnable, String taskName, int showProgressDelay)
      Allows any currently running runnable to finish, clears any queued runnables, and then queues the given runnable to be run after the current runnable finishes.

      See the class header for more info.

      runnable - Runnable to execute
      taskName - name of runnable; may be null (this will appear in the progress panel)
      showProgressDelay - the amount of time (in milliseconds) before showing the progress panel
    • runLater

      public void runLater(MonitoredRunnable runnable, String taskName, int showProgressDelay)
      Schedules this runnable to be run after all runnables currently queued.

      This method differs from the runNow(MonitoredRunnable, String, int) methods in that it will not cancel any currently running jobs. This allows you to add new jobs to this run manager, which lets them queue up. See header docs for details.

      runnable - The runnable to run
      taskName - The name of the task to run
      showProgressDelay - The amount of time to wait before showing a progress monitor.
    • isInProgress

      public boolean isInProgress()
    • showCancelButton

      public void showCancelButton(boolean showCancel)
      Show the cancel button according to the showCancel parameter.
      showCancel - true means to show the cancel button
    • showProgressBar

      public void showProgressBar(boolean showProgress)
      Show the progress bar according to the showProgress parameter.
      showProgress - true means to show the progress bar
    • showProgressIcon

      public void showProgressIcon(boolean showIcon)
      Show the progress icon according to the showIcon parameter.
      showIcon - true means to show the progress icon