Class GTimer


public class GTimer extends Object
A class to schedule Runnables to run after some delay, optionally repeating. This class uses a Timer internally to schedule work. Clients of this class are given a monitor that allows them to check on the state of the runnable, as well as to cancel the runnable.
  • Constructor Details

    • GTimer

      public GTimer()
  • Method Details

    • scheduleRunnable

      public static GTimerMonitor scheduleRunnable(long delay, Runnable callback)
      Schedules a runnable for execution after the specified delay. A delay value less than 0 will cause this timer to schedule nothing. This allows clients to use this timer class with no added logic for managing timer enablement.
      delay - the time (in milliseconds) to wait before executing the runnable. A negative value signals not to run the timer--the callback will not be executed
      callback - the runnable to be executed.
      a GTimerMonitor which allows the caller to cancel the timer and check its status.
    • scheduleRepeatingRunnable

      public static GTimerMonitor scheduleRepeatingRunnable(long delay, long period, Runnable callback)
      Schedules a runnable for repeated execution after the specified delay. A delay value less than 0 will cause this timer to schedule nothing. This allows clients to use this timer class with no added logic for managing timer enablement.
      delay - the time (in milliseconds) to wait before executing the runnable. A negative value signals not to run the timer--the callback will not be executed
      period - time in milliseconds between successive runnable executions
      callback - the runnable to be executed
      a GTimerMonitor which allows the caller to cancel the timer and check its status
      IllegalArgumentException - if period <= 0