Package ghidra.xml

Class AbstractXmlPullParser

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractXmlPullParser extends Object implements XmlPullParser
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractXmlPullParser

      public AbstractXmlPullParser()
  • Method Details

    • end

      public XmlElement end()
      Description copied from interface: XmlPullParser
      Returns the next element, which must be an end element. The name doesn't matter. This method throws an XmlException if the next element is not an end element. Use this method when you really know you're matching the right end and want to avoid extra constraint checks.
      Specified by:
      end in interface XmlPullParser
      the next element (which is an end element)
    • end

      public XmlElement end(XmlElement element)
      Description copied from interface: XmlPullParser
      Returns the next element, which must be an end element, and must match the supplied XmlElement's name (presumably the start element of the subtree). This method throws an XmlException if the next element is not an end element, or if the name doesn't match.
      Specified by:
      end in interface XmlPullParser
      element - the presumed start element to match names
      the next element (which is an end element)
    • getColumnNumber

      public int getColumnNumber()
      Description copied from interface: XmlPullParser
      Returns the current column number where the parser is (note that this may actually be ahead of where you think it is because of look-ahead and caching).
      Specified by:
      getColumnNumber in interface XmlPullParser
      the current column number
    • getCurrentLevel

      public int getCurrentLevel()
      Description copied from interface: XmlPullParser
      The current element level, as if the XML document was a tree. The root element is at level 0. Each child is at a level one higher than its parent. Note that this is the same as peek().getLevel().
      Specified by:
      getCurrentLevel in interface XmlPullParser
      the current element level
    • getLineNumber

      public int getLineNumber()
      Description copied from interface: XmlPullParser
      Returns the current line number where the parser is (note that this may actually be ahead of where you think it is because of look-ahead and caching).
      Specified by:
      getLineNumber in interface XmlPullParser
      the current line number
    • start

      public XmlElement start(String... names)
      Description copied from interface: XmlPullParser
      Returns the next element, which must be a start element, and must be one of the supplied names (if provided). This method is very useful for starting a subtree, and throws an XmlException if the next element does not conform to your specification.
      Specified by:
      start in interface XmlPullParser
      names - optional vararg Strings which start element name must be one of
      the next element (which is a start element)
    • softStart

      public XmlElement softStart(String... names)
      Description copied from interface: XmlPullParser
      Returns the next element, which must be a start element, and must be one of the supplied names (if provided). This method is very useful for starting a subtree, but differs from start(...) in that failures are soft. This means that if the next element isn't a start element, or doesn't match one of the optional provided names, null is returned (instead of raising an XmlException).
      Specified by:
      softStart in interface XmlPullParser
      names - optional vararg Strings which start element name must be one of
      the next element (which is a start element) or null
    • discardSubTree

      public int discardSubTree()
      Description copied from interface: XmlPullParser
      Discards the current subtree. If the current element (peek()) is a content or end element, then just that element is discarded. If it's a start element, then the entire subtree starting with the start element is discarded (i.e. next() is called until the current element is now the element after the subtree's end element).
      Specified by:
      discardSubTree in interface XmlPullParser
      the number of elements discarded
    • discardSubTree

      public int discardSubTree(XmlElement element)
      Description copied from interface: XmlPullParser
      Discards a subtree. The element provided is used as the "start" of the subtree (although it doesn't actually have to be a start element; only its name and level are used). The queue of elements is discarded such that the last element discarded is an end element, has the same name as the provided element, and is the same level as the provided element. If the provided element's level is higher than the current level, then nothing is discarded.
      Specified by:
      discardSubTree in interface XmlPullParser
      element - the element provided as the "start" element
      the number of elements discarded
    • discardSubTree

      public int discardSubTree(String elementName)
      Description copied from interface: XmlPullParser
      Discards the current subtree. The current element must be a start element, and must be named name, otherwise an XmlException is thrown.
      Specified by:
      discardSubTree in interface XmlPullParser
      elementName - what the current start element must be named
      the number of elements discarded