Class GhidraScreenShotGenerator

public abstract class GhidraScreenShotGenerator extends AbstractScreenShotGenerator
Extend this class to create screen shot images for help. The name of the class determines the topic directory where the captured image will be stored. So if the class name is XyzShreenShots, the resulting captured image will appear in help topic directly "Xyz", regardless of which module has that topic. The test name will determine the name of the image file that is generated. So if the test name is testHappyBirthday, the filename will be HappyBirthday.png.
  • Constructor Details

    • GhidraScreenShotGenerator

      protected GhidraScreenShotGenerator()
  • Method Details

    • tearDown

      public void tearDown() throws Exception
      tearDown in class AbstractScreenShotGenerator
    • showResults

      protected void showResults()
    • saveOrDisplayImage

      public void saveOrDisplayImage()
      Generally, you shouldn't use this. This is only visible for those who do not directly extend this class.
    • saveOrDisplayImage

      public void saveOrDisplayImage(String name)
    • handleGIFImage

      protected void handleGIFImage(File gifFile)
    • getHelpTopic

      protected File getHelpTopic()
    • loadDefaultTool

      public void loadDefaultTool()
    • getHelpTopicName

      protected String getHelpTopicName()
    • finished

      public void finished(File helpTopic, String oldImageName)
      Call when you are finished generating a new image. This method will either show the newly created image or write it to disk, depending upon the value of AbstractScreenShotGenerator.SAVE_CREATED_IMAGE_FILE, which is a system property.
      helpTopic - The help topic that contains the image
      oldImageName - The name of the image
    • getOldImage

      protected Image getOldImage(File helpTopicDir, String imageName)
    • showImage

      @Deprecated public void showImage(String helpTopic, String oldImageName)
      helpTopic - The help topic that contains the image
      oldImageName - The name of the image
    • saveToHelp

      @Deprecated public void saveToHelp(String helpTopic, String imageName)
      helpTopic - The help topic that contains the image
      imageName - The name of the image
    • reallySaveToHelp

      protected void reallySaveToHelp(File helpTopicDir, String imageName)
    • getHelpTopicDir

      protected File getHelpTopicDir(String helpTopic)
    • getHelpTopicDirs

      protected List<File> getHelpTopicDirs()
    • getFrontEndTool

      protected FrontEndTool getFrontEndTool()
    • performFrontEndAction

      public void performFrontEndAction(String actionName, String owner, boolean wait)