Class HelpModuleLocation

Direct Known Subclasses:
DirectoryHelpModuleLocation, JarHelpModuleLocation

public abstract class HelpModuleLocation extends Object
  • Field Details

    • helpDir

      protected Path helpDir
      The help dir parent of the help topics and such
    • sourceTOCFile

      protected GhidraTOCFile sourceTOCFile
      this is the TOC_Source.xml file, not the generated file
  • Method Details

    • loadSourceTOCFile

      public abstract GhidraTOCFile loadSourceTOCFile()
    • loadHelpSet

      public abstract loadHelpSet()
    • isHelpInputSource

      public abstract boolean isHelpInputSource()
      Returns true if this help location represents a source of input files to generate help output
      true if this help location represents a source of input files to generate help output
    • loadHelpTopics

      protected void loadHelpTopics()
    • getHelpLocation

      public Path getHelpLocation()
    • getHelpModuleLocation

      public Path getHelpModuleLocation()
    • getModuleRepoRoot

      public Path getModuleRepoRoot()
    • getHelpTopics

      public Collection<HelpTopic> getHelpTopics()
    • getAllHREFs

      public Collection<HREF> getAllHREFs()
    • getAllIMGs

      public Collection<IMG> getAllIMGs()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object