Package resources

Class MultiIcon

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MultiIcon extends Object implements Icon
Icon class for for displaying overlapping icons. Icons are drawn in the order they are added.
  • Constructor Details

    • MultiIcon

      public MultiIcon(Icon baseIcon)
      Constructs a new MultiIcon with an initial base icon that will always be drawn first.
      baseIcon - the base icon that will always be drawn first.
    • MultiIcon

      public MultiIcon(Icon baseIcon, boolean disabled)
      Constructs a new MultiIcon with an initial base icon that will always be drawn first.
      baseIcon - the base icon that will always be drawn first.
    • MultiIcon

      public MultiIcon(Icon baseIcon, Icon... icons)
      Construct a new MultiIcon with the provided base image and subsequent images
      baseIcon - base image always drawn first
      icons - images drawn atop the base
    • MultiIcon

      public MultiIcon(Icon baseIcon, boolean disabled, int width, int height)
      Construct a new MultiIcon with a predetermined size
      baseIcon - Primary icon that is always drawn first
      disabled - flag to draw this icon in a disabled state
      width - horizontal dimension of this icon
      height - vertical dimension of this icon
  • Method Details