Class ClasspathFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ClasspathFilter extends Object implements Predicate<GModule>
A predicate used to filter modules using the classpath. Only modules included in the classpath will pass this filter. Any modules not on the classpath may be included by calling ClasspathFilter(Predicate) with a predicate that allows other module paths.
  • Constructor Details

    • ClasspathFilter

      public ClasspathFilter()
      Default constructor to allow only modules on the classpath.
    • ClasspathFilter

      public ClasspathFilter(Predicate<Path> additionalPaths)
      Constructor that allows any module to be included whose path passed the given predicate. If the predicate returns false, then a given module will only be included if it is in the classpath.
      additionalPaths - a predicate that allows additional module paths (they do not need to be on the system classpath)
  • Method Details